stichtingsem / ecosystem

The SEM Ecosystem standardises the exchange of data required for the supply and usage of digital learning materials in schools
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SEM Ecosytem

Note: Legal status of the specifications in this repository

All information in this repository is in concept. No rigths can be claimed based on this information.


A typical school uses a broad range of learning materials from several educational publishers or educational platform suppliers. The SEM Ecosystem sets a standard for the exchange of data between all parties that play a key role in the order and access of these (digital) learning materials within schools. Parties involved are amongst others providers of student information systems, learning managemenst systems, distribution and fulfillment, and (digital) learning materials.

Structure of this repository

This repository consists of the following elements:

This repository is an initiative of the Stichting Samenwerkende Educatieve Marktpartijen (SEM).

Moving from a chain to an ecosystem

Stichting Samenwerkende Educatieve Marktpartijen (SEM) is a foundation where private parties work together. Within a large group of organizations there exists the wish to simply the way all parties work together in order to deliver (digital) learning materials to the end-users within Dutch schools. This was the reason to start an investigation both on CEO as on CTO level how this can be achieved. The investigation resulted in the design of a new technical standard: the SEM ecosystem.

The SEM ecosystem tries to overcome the main challenges in the current learning materials chain (leermiddelenketen in Dutch):

The SEM ecosystem has the following benefits for schools and market parties:

Join the SEM Foundation and adopt the SEM Ecosystem standard

All organisations offering products and/or services to Dutch schools are welcome to join the SEM Foundation and adopt the SEM Ecosystem.

Version history

Version Date Status Author Comment
0.1 2 December 2021 DRAFT @kvoer
0.2 7 December 2021 DRAFT @kvoer
1.1 15 February 2022 REJECTED @kvoer Change of Entitlement API to synchronous exchange mechanism not approved
1.1 1 April 2022 Approved @kvoer Entitlement API redefined based on Events Driven Architecture
For the PoC in Q2, Entitlements based on POST endpoints
1.2 22 April 2022 Approved @kvoer Non-happy flows and regulations for mutations approved in steering committee.
1.2 26 April 2022 Approved @mcginkel catalogue: is now status mandatory
1.2 29 April 2022 Approved @jorimvdw consent API: doc update, requestsync now with api parameter iso consumerrefid
1.2.0 25 May 2022 Approved @kvoer Simple Result API added
1.3.0 3 February 2023 Approved @kvoer All issues from PoC2 resolved and documentation written


This standard is developed by members from Stichting SEM. The contributors to the SEM Ecosystem standard are:

Name Organization Role Alias
Clifton Cunningham Infinitas Learning Initiator @cliftonc
Koen Voermans Stichting SEM Product Owner @kvoer
Marcel Untied Stichting SEM Project Leader poc phase 1 @MarcelUntied
Edwin Verwoerd Iddink Group Member working committee @edwinverwoerd
Henk Haarsma Noordhoff Uitgevers Member working committee @hhaarsma
Jan van der Wel Topicus Education Member working committee @mrVanderWel
Sanne Visseren Malmberg Member working committee
Bart van Kimmenade It's Learning Member review group @bvankimmenade
Danny Pronk The Learning Network Member review group @dpronk
Frank van der Bom Malmberg Member review group
Jerry Plate Iddink Group Member review group
Jolanda Brittijn Malmberg Member review group
Jorim van den Wijngaard Topicus Education Member review group @jorimvdw
Linse Goeman Malmberg Member review group
Peter Veenstra Osingadejong Member review group @PeterVeenstraOdj
Roy Eysbach ThiemeMeulenhoff Member review group
Tamara Koster Noordhoff Uitgevers Member review group @tamarakoster
Elias Hassing Infinitas Learning Lead Functional Track poc phase 2 @eliashassing154
Frank Aarts ThiemeMeulenhoff Member Technical Track PoC phase 2 @TM-Frank
Kees van Ginkel Iddink Group Member Technical Track Poc phase 2 @mcginkel
Luke Niesink Topicus Education Member Technical Track PoC phase 2 @niesink
Sieger Kuik Stichting SEM Lead Administrative Track PoC phase 2 @SiegerKuik