stickleprojects / phaser-spellbound

MIT License
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Phaser spellbound mockup

running in netlify! see netlify


Map of the original game below



Node.js is required to install dependencies and run scripts via npm.

Available Commands

Command Description
npm install Install project dependencies
npm run dev Launch a development web server
npm run build Create a production build in the dist folder

Writing Code

After cloning the repo, run npm install from your project directory. Then, you can start the local development server by running npm run dev.

The local development server runs on http://localhost:8080 by default. Please see the Vite documentation if you wish to change this, or add SSL support.

Once the server is running you can edit any of the files in the src folder. Vite will automatically recompile your code and then reload the browser.

Outstanding features


Allows you to carry 5 items (iss #31)

Colourful fonts

Need to figure out how to colour the fonts for the various panels/etc (iss #32)

NPCs should walk around

NPCs should be able to walk around when not onscreen and not asleep (iss #33) NPCs can walk into the lift

Lift should move by itself

should move between floors (iss #34)

Menu system for overlapping menus and showing available commands

Popup dialog system (iss #35) Choose the Verb "give" Choose the Subject "give [ITEM]" Choose the Object "give [ITEM] to [PERSON]"

Menu for doing commands (pick up XXX, talk to XXX, drop object XXX, call lift, cast spell, give item to XXX, take item from XXX, teleport)

Menu for inventory (drop XXX, pick up XXX)

Menu for ordering people (command florin to blow the horn)

Mirror + Inventory panel at bottom of the screen

Whilst you are carrying the mirror, the inventory panel appears at bottom of the screen

panel at bottom of screen

Shows copyright message usually - DONE Can show inventory if mirror is carried Shows command builder (iss #36)

knight animation

(iss #37)


Whilst you are carrying the teleportkey (iss #38) New menuitem for "teleport" (iss #38) When you select "teleport" it takes you to the telepad (iss #38)

Glowing bottle

Whilst you are carrying the glowingbottle DarkRooms wont kill you (iss #39)

Powerpong plant

Whilst you are carrying the PowerPong plant (iss #40) Poisouns rooms wont kill you

Room Poperties

Health bar

Should decrease as you walk between screens or run a command (iss #41)

' object attributes

Weight (iss #42)

character attributes

maxweight per item (iss #43) max number of items (iss #44)


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