This repo includes a couple of episerver forms elements and actors I have written.
You can pretty much just copy the files to your project or you can follow these instructions to start a new Alloy project (episerver demo site) and install these features on that project:
A new formm element where the user can upload multiple files. The element plays nicely with Episerver file upload and Form submissions. The element is complete with validation for total files size and maximum number of files. The element is not styled and looks like this on the Alloy Demo Site:
Known problems
This actor is a copy of the default Episerver SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor except it includes uploaded files as Attachments in the email.
This actor does not work with the multiple file upload element.
Thiss actor is a copy of SendEmailWithFilesAsAttachmentActor with fixes for the multiple file upload element (that is; all files are sent as attachments and placeholders work).