stitchfix / splits

A Python library for dealing with splittable files
MIT License
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Splits is a library for reading and writing files in splittable chunks. It works on any file-like object. There is built in support for writing and reading split files from S3. It also has built in support for gzip.


  $ pip install splits


from splits import SplitWriter, SplitReader
from splits.s3 import S3File, GzipS3File

if __name__ == '__main__':

    with SplitWriter('s3://test-bucket/test-multifile',
                     suffix='.txt', lines_per_file=100,
                     fileClass=GzipS3File) as w:
        w.writelines([str(x) for x in range(0, 1000)])

    with SplitReader('s3://test-bucket/test-multifile',
                     fileClass=GzipS3File) as r:
        for line in r:
            print line


 $ pip install tox

To run the tests in both Python2 and Python3 run,

 $ tox