stjude-biohackathon / SJHack2022_Project6

A Single app to upload CSV files, analyze, visualize and share data powered by agnostic and flexible database which can handle relational tables in any format.
MIT License
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database datamanagement django-rest-framework docker labnote reactjs samplemanager tailwindcss

SJHack2022_Project6 - SimplySamples

This project is humble attempt of BioHackathon Team #6 to solve sample management problem faced by many lab scientists working hardly to gather all sample data and figure out connections between them.

Aim of this project is to..

Click here to check Presentation from the St. Jude BioHackathon 2022.

Example Demo app:

This is an image

About The Project

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Built With


This is an image

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Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps:


Installation and setup

  1. Once docker is installed, clone the repo on you local folder:

    git clone
  2. Go to the repo root and run this docker commands to build image (will take few minute for first time, should be faster on sunsequent run):

    cd SJHack2022_Project6
    docker-compose build
  3. Start database container first using following command:

    docker-compose up db

    Once you see following LOG in terminal, go to next step:

    db_1   | LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
  4. Open new terminal tab and start Django app container using following command:

    docker-compose up backend

    Once you see following LOG in terminal, the backend app is ready!

    web_1  | Starting development server at
    web_1  | Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
  5. To load the database to the Django backend go to this url: http://localhost:8000/ It will take sometime to load the page as it's working on loading data from csv files to database. Once dtatabse is loaded, the page will show how many records and tables are loaded to database.

  6. Open new terminal tab and start React app container using following command:

    docker-compose up frontend

    Once you see following LOG in terminal, the frontend app is ready!

    sjhack2022_project6-frontend-1  | 
    sjhack2022_project6-frontend-1  | webpack 5.72.0 compiled with 1 warning in 522 ms

    frontend app can be accessed at: http://localhost:3000/

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Note: Following steps are temporary till users can upload their own data from frontend page. (ETA feature release - April 30, 2022)

Upload CSV data

  1. To upload your own data, convert all your excel to 1 CSV file per table.

  2. Copy all your CSV files to backend/raw_data/ folder.

Repouplate database with your data

To repopulate database with your csv files, go to http://localhost:8000/ and Click "Update Database" button.
The page will looks like this:

This is an image It will take sometime to load the page as it's working on loading data from csv files to database. Once dtatabse is loaded, the page will show how many records and tables are loaded to database.

To see your data on frontend go to this url: http://localhost:3000/

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As this Application is using Docker, it's easy to deploy it to any server or cloud service like AWS.
Detailed instrunction on deployment will be available soon.

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Developed by Team Sigma 6

web developer and dev-ops experts

Data cleaning and Data management experts