stokito / grails-cookie

Makes dealing with cookies easy. Provides an injectable service and tag to easily get, set, and delete cookies with one line
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Grails Cookie Plugin

WARNING! Project moved

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This plugin makes dealing with cookies easy. Provides an injectable service and tag to easily get, set, and delete cookies with one line.

It's RFC 6265 compliant.


To install the cookie plug-in just add to BuildConfig.groovy:

compile ':cookie:1.4'


You can configure in Config.groovy how long the default cookie age will be (in seconds) when not explicitly supplied while setting a cookie.

grails.plugins.cookie.cookieage.default = 86400 // if not specified default in code is 30 days


You have two ways to work with cookies:

Example of setting a new cookie:

// This sets a cookie with the name `username` to the value `cookieUser123` with a expiration set to a week, defined in seconds
response.setCookie('username', 'cookieUser123', 604800)
// will use default age from Config (or 30 days if not defined)
response.setCookie('username', 'cookieUser123')

// using service
def cookieService // define field for DI
cookieService.setCookie('username', 'cookieUser123', 604800)

To get the cookie value:

request.getCookie('username') // returns 'cookieUser123'

// using service
def cookieService // define field for DI
cookieService.getCookie('username') // returns 'cookieUser123'

To delete the cookie (actually it set new expired cookie with same name):

response.deleteCookie('username') // deletes the 'username' cookie
// using service
def cookieService // define field for DI

All this methods has other signatures and you can find all of them in CookieService JavaDoc's.

You can check out Demo project and also you can find details of implementation in CookieRequestSpec and CookieResponseSpec.


You can configure default values of attributes in Config.groovy.

Default Max Age

Default expiration age for cookie in seconds. Max-Age attribute, integer.

If it has value -1 cookie will not stored and removed after browser close.

If it has null value or unset, will be used 30 days, i.e. 2592000 seconds.

Can't has value 0, because it means that cookie should be removed.

grails.plugins.cookie.cookieage.default = 360 * 24 * 60 * 60

Default Path

Default path for cookie selection strategy, string.

If default path is null or unset, it will be used 'context' strategy

grails.plugins.cookie.path.defaultStrategy = 'context'

Default Secure

Default secure cookie param. Secure cookie available only for HTTPS connections. Secure attribute, boolean. If default secure is null or unset, it will set all new cookies as secure if current connection is secure = null

Default HTTP Only

Default HTTP Only param that denies accessing to JavaScript's document.cookie.

If null or unset will be true

grails.plugins.cookie.httpOnly.default = true

You can find details of implementation in CookieServiceDefaultsSpec.

External Config

If you use property files to inject values to plugins at runtime. This is now supported as of version 1.0.2. This means that inside your external file you can specify the following.


The string value will correctly be treated as a boolean.


All releases

v1.4 For Grails 2.4


v1.2 Fixed bug with path.defaultStrategy option


v1.1.0 Fixed bug with defaults not configured in Config


v1.0.1 Fixed bug with defaults not configured in Config


v1.0 Production ready version


v0.60 Last release with deprecated taglib and methods in service




In the v0.3 release a big issue was fixed that now sets the cookie's path to the root / context. Otherwise it was setting the path to the same as the controller/service that triggered it. Most users I believe will want this behavior. If setting the path is desired, that can be accommodated. Please contact me or do a pull request if you'd like that.