stolostron / klusterlet-addon-controller

Apache License 2.0
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klusterlet addon controller

Klusterlet addon controller supports some installation and termination of add-ons on ManagedCluster for ACM.

Community, discussion, contribution, and support

Check the CONTRIBUTING Doc for how to contribute to the repo.

Getting Started

This is a guide on how to build and deploy klusterlet addon controller from code.

Kubernetes controller for the KlusterletAddonConfig custom resource that manages the Create/Update/Delete of klusterlet addon operator and klusterlet addons on the managed cluster via ManifestWork.


# can be installed with the following command
> make deps

Prepare your cluster

  1. Import a managed cluster. Follow this guidelines to import cluster manually.
  1. Install klusterlet CRD
make utils-crds-install

Running Klusterlet addon controller locally for development

  1. Run Klusterlet Addon Controller locally
make run

Running Klusterlet addon controller in-cluster for deployment

  1. Apply the deploy to create the ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding and Deployment for the operator
make deploy


Installing klusterlet addons using Klusterlet addon controller

To create a klusterlet addon operator deployment with the klusterlet addon controller you need to create the KlusterletAddonConfig CR

Example of KlusterletAddonConfig CR

Rebuilding zz_generated.deepcopy.go file

Any modifications to files pkg/apis/agent/v1/*types.go will require you to run the following:

operator-sdk generate k8s

to regenerate the zz_generated.deepcopy.go file.

Run e2e Test

  1. Prepare a Kubernetes cluster, for example Kind
  2. Execute following commands
    export KUBECONFIG=<cluster kube config>
    make test-e2e

Run Functional Test

Before Testing functional test with KinD

  1. Make sure you have ginkgo excutable ready in your env. If not, do the following:

    go get
    go get
  2. Run functional test locally with KinD, you will need to install Kind

Run Functional Test Locally with KinD

  1. Export the image postfix for rcm-controller image:
    export COMPONENT_TAG_EXTENSION=-SNAPSHOT-2020-04-01-20-49-00
  2. Run tests:
    • Run the following command to build the image, setup & start a kind cluster (Ideal for someone new to the repo and wanting to test changes):
      export DOCKER_USER=<Docker username>
      export DOCKER_PASS=<Docker password>
      make functional-test-full
    • Run the following command to setup & start a kind cluster:
      make component/test/functional
    • Run the following command to run the test on an existing cluster:
      export KUBECONFIG=...
      make functional-test

Addon Development

Stop Reconcile

To patch the addons, you need to first stop reconcile of the KlusterletAddonConfig on hub:

oc annotate klusterletaddonconfig -n ${CLUSTER_NAME} ${CLUSTER_NAME} klusterletaddonconfig-pause=true --overwrite=true

After running the command, klusterlet-addon-controller will not update and sync the addons, so you can modify.

Update Image

If you only want to update images of an addon, you can directly modify the manifestwork for that addon on hub. Here is an example of updating application manager. Execute this command on hub:

oc edit manifestwork -n ${CLUSTER_NAME}  ${CLUSTER_NAME}-klusterlet-addon-appmgr

Other addons are:

Scale Done klusterlet-addon-operator

If you want to patch deployments directly on the managed cluster.

You can scale down the klusterlet-addon-operator on the managed cluster.

To do so, on hub, edit the manifestwork of ${CLUSTER_NAME}-klusterlet-addon-operator on hub, and search for Deployment. Set spec.replicas to 0:

oc edit manifestwork -n ${CLUSTER_NAME}  ${CLUSTER_NAME}-klusterlet-addon-operator

Please remember to restore the replicas when you finishing the devs. Otherwise you will not able to cleanup the managed cluster properly when detach.