stoogoff / sw-adversaries

A simple web app for looking up adversaries for the FFG's Star Wars RPG.
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Adjusting stats for dead minions #4

Closed SkyJedi closed 7 years ago

SkyJedi commented 7 years ago

As minions die there stats drop, I'm thinking theres a way to adjust that stats bases on the wound level entered into the derived stats area. I'll poke around the code but I'm having a bugger of a time figuring out how to deploy it to aws

dude, your code is awesome

stoogoff commented 7 years ago

Thanks! You don't need to deploy to AWS unless you're hosting it yourself. To do this you'll need an AWS account and an S3 bucket. Once those are set up you'd need to create an aws.json file with access details for the S3 bucket and place that in the /build directory. The readme has specifics of the JSON file.

If you don't need to host then you can either build a dev or live version (gulp live build or gulp dev build) and use a browser to view the output.

If you've got some working code submit a pull request and I'll take a look.

SkyJedi commented 7 years ago

....see this is the kids stuff I'd know IF I knew how to code. Thanks I'll poke around a little today.

SkyJedi commented 7 years ago