stoogoff / sw-adversaries

A simple web app for looking up adversaries for the FFG's Star Wars RPG.
68 stars 27 forks source link
babel react

Star Wars: Adversaries

A simple web app for looking up adversaries for the FFG's Star Wars RPG. See it in action here:

Built using:


Install and Build

In the build directory run npm install. Once everything has installed run any of the following:

For Windows:

Host Locally

For Windows:

Alternatively, if you have python installed run npm run server from the build directory. This will start a web server using python -m SimpleHTTPServer with the ../dev directory as the root.


Main tasks:

live Output to the live directory and minify Javascript and CSS.

dev Output to the dev directory as is. This is the default action.

clean Delete the output directory.

build Build everything and save to the output directory.

watch After the dev task has completed watch all HTML, JS, SASS and JSON files for changes.

deploy After the live task has completed deploy to an AWS bucket. Target and authentication details need to be placed in a file called aws.json in the build directory. The format for this is:

    "key": "AUTH_KEY",
    "secret": "AUTH_SECRET",
    "bucket": "BUCKET_NAME",
    "region": "REGION"

This is only useful if you have your own AWS setup and are planning on hosting a copy yourself.

Completed Adversaries