stoplightio / json-schema-tree

Apache License 2.0
10 stars 7 forks source link


Use cases


Supported in modern browsers and Node.JS (>=10.18).

# latest stable
yarn add @stoplight/json-schema-tree


import { SchemaTree, SchemaNodeKind, isRegularNode } from '@stoplight/json-schema-tree';

const tree = new SchemaTree(mySchema);
const ALLOWED_DEPTH = 2;

tree.walker.hookInto('stepIn', node => tree.walker.depth <= ALLOWED_DEPTH); // if flattening is needed, this might need to be tweaked to account for the scenarios where certain nodes can be merged (i.e. arrays)

tree.walker.hookInto('filter', node => {
  return !isRegularNode(node) || node.types === null || !node.types.includes(SchemaNodeKind.Integer); // if a schema property is of type integer, it won't be included in the tree


tree.root; // populated tree


  1. Clone repo.
  2. Create / checkout feature/{name}, chore/{name}, or fix/{name} branch.
  3. Install deps: yarn.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Run tests: yarn
  6. Stage relevant files to git.
  7. Commit: yarn commit. NOTE: Commits that don't follow the conventional format will be rejected. yarn commit creates this format for you, or you can put it together manually and then do a regular git commit.
  8. Push: git push.
  9. Open PR targeting the master branch.