A Twitch Moderator Tracker
This was designed to help Twitch Streamers keep track of how interactive their Moderators are in their respective community. I stole the idea from Venalis when he had stated he was wanting something that did this exact thing. I hope that it will be useful to any streamer looking to keep track of the information provided.
The top left where it states "Venalis" is actually the channel name. This will change depending on what Twitch Chat your following.
There is no need to manually update any Moderator user-names, this program will keep track of who is a Moderator in your channel for you!
In order to run the application you will need to modify the setting.yaml
file. I would highly recommend using notepad++ or Visual Studio Code because YAML can be finicky with tabs. If it doesn't work, remove any comments/added lines, and ensure there are only the required information with no additional spaces.
The nickname
will be your twitch username in lowercase.
The channel
option will be the channel name in lowercase your interested in using to track the moderator information.
The option oauth_secret
can be found via Twitch Chat OAuth Password Generator. This website, while not affiliated with Twitch, is referenced directly in Twitch's IRC Guide as a quick and easy way to grab an OAuth token. This will be used with your nickname to sign into the IRC in order to track the chat information.
To setup using docker, git clone this repo then run the following commands:
docker build . -t moderate_impact:1.0
file to your liking.settings.yaml
file.docker-compose up -d
, otherwise browse to http://<IP ADDRESS>:8080
Enjoy! The application will begin tracking moderator information.
I would highly advise running this on a RaspberryPi as this application is made to track Chat 24/7 - 365. As such, having a dedicated server, or application that runs always would be very useful to you. Otherwise if you just never shut down your local computer then maybe this would work well for you!
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py
file into your prefered location. http://localhost:8080
and access the web page!NOTE:, You may receive a warning from Smart Screen that this is from an unverified publisher! This is normal, as I'm too cheap to pay $300 to sign my code. If you don't trust the binary, feel free to read through my code or compile it yourself! Also you will end up with a Firewall question, related to if you want to allow the executable to access the local network. This is so that the socket can listen and connect to the Twitch IRC and is expected behavior.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller --onefile -w --add-data "templates;templates" --add-data "static;static" .\main.py --hidden-import=PyYaml --hidden-import=pandas --hidden-import=waitress --hidden-import=flask --name mod-erate-impact
and chat_logs
to the newly created dist