stormbrew / rack-jetty

Very simple (mostly Ruby) implementation of jetty as a pure Rack adapter.
MIT License
14 stars 6 forks source link

= rack-jetty

Provides a nice simple Rack Adapter for Jetty under JRuby. Once installed, you can use rackup to start it with:

jruby -S rackup -s Jetty # the -S tells it to search your bin paths for rackup

Or with Rails:

jruby script/server Jetty # no -S needed since it's a relative path

The code for this is intended to be very easy to understand and is entirely done in Ruby, without the help of jruby-rack, so it should be pretty hackable.

Note that if you want to run this as a real server (or for benchmarking), you'll probably want to run jruby with --server so it actually does JIT optimization and the like.

Inspiration credit for this project goes out to Vladimir Dobriakov of Vodafone who wrote jetty-rackup, which wasn't quite what I needed but gave me a hell of a starting point for making this go. Thanks, Vladimir!

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 Graham Batty. See LICENSE for details.