stormpath / stormpath-documentation

The Stormpath Product Guides
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Stormpath Product Guides

The Stormpath Product Guide documentation repo


pip install Sphinx

Other options here.

If you already have Sphinx, then just upgrade:

pip install -U Sphinx

If you want to be able to generate Live Docs (mentioned below), you'll also need to install sphinx-autobuild:

pip install sphinx-autobuild

Then clone this repo.

git clone --recursive ...


├── source
    ├── _static
    ├── _templates
    ├── code
    │   ├── csharp
    │   ├── java
    │   ├── nodejs
    │   ├── php
    │   ├── python
    │   ├── ruby
    │   ├── template
    │   └── vbnet
    ├── images
    │   ├── about
    │   ├── accnt_mgmt
    │   ├── auth_n
    │   ├── idsite
    │   ├── multitenancy
    │   └── quickstart
    └── robots

How To Generate The Docs

Generating Static Docs

make html will generate the REST Product Guide as HTML.

make html LANGUAGE={name} will generate the Product Guide for the specified language.

The possible values for {name} are:

If you would like to generate all of the Product Guides in one go, you can use the same command that Travis uses:

make allhtml

This will iterate through every language and generate the Product Guide for that language.

Note: This command has an additional -W flag that converts all warnings into errors. This means that the build stops at the first warning.

Generating Live Docs

In order to generate auto-reloading "live" documentation, use the following command:

make livehtml

Just like make html, this command can also take a language parameter:

make livehtml LANGUAGE={name}

The values for {name} are the same as for generating static documentation.

Viewing the Docs

Once you are finished generating the docs, you can view them with the following command:

open build/html/index.html

You can replace index.html with whatever chapter you would like.

If you used the make allhtml command, then you can find the generated files in:


Contributing to this Repo

All branches should be made off the Develop branch. After your changes are complete, create a PR back to Develop.

Additionally, if you are working with a task captured in a GitHub issue, please name your branch accordingly. For example: 202_account_linking.