stormshift / automation

Ansible Playbooks to deploy a set of OpenShift Cluster onto RHEV
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automate sso integration #50

Open DanielFroehlich opened 2 months ago

rbo commented 2 months ago

I have done a ansible playbook to configure keycloak (sso.coe) to an OpenShift Cluster.

Here my development version: ```yaml - hosts: localhost connection: local # gather_facts true because we need the public ip address gather_facts: false # vars_files: # - ../cluster.yml tasks: # At HCP it's empty - name: Fetch cluster information - oauth url kubernetes.core.k8s_info: validate_certs: false host: https://api....:6443 api_key: ... api_version: "" kind: "Ingress" name: "cluster" register: ff - ansible.builtin.set_fact: oauth_hostname: "{{ ff.resources | first | community.general.json_query(oauth_url_query) | first }}" client_secret: "{{ ff | ansible.builtin.to_uuid }}" vars: oauth_url_query: "status.componentRoutes[?name=='oauth-openshift'].defaultHostname" - name: Check oauth_hostname fail: msg: "Can not findout oauth url" when: oauth_hostname | length == 0 - name: Create clients with_items: - coe-sso - coe-sso-admin community.general.keycloak_client: validate_certs: false auth_keycloak_url: https://sso.coe... auth_realm: master auth_username: admin auth_password: ... realm: "{{ item }}" client_id: "{{ oauth_hostname }}" secret: "{{ client_secret }}" name: "{{ oauth_hostname }}" redirect_uris: - "https://{{ oauth_hostname }}/oauth2callback/*" web_origins: - "https://{{ oauth_hostname }}/" public_client: false frontchannel_logout: true protocol_mappers: - name: "groups" protocol: "openid-connect" protocolMapper: "oidc-group-membership-mapper" consentRequired: false config: "full.path": false "userinfo.token.claim": false "multivalued": true "id.token.claim": true "access.token.claim": true "": groups state: present delegate_to: localhost - name: Create clientSecret k8s secret kubernetes.core.k8s: validate_certs: false host: https://api...:6443 api_key:.. state: present definition: apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: "openid-client-secret-coe-sso" namespace: "openshift-config" data: clientSecret: "{{ client_secret | b64encode }}" - name: Fetch oauth kubernetes.core.k8s_info: validate_certs: false host: https://api....:6443 api_key: ... api_version: "" kind: "OAuth" name: "cluster" register: ff - ansible.builtin.set_fact: identity_providers: "{{ ff.resources | first | community.general.json_query(ip_query) }}" ip_coe_sso: mappingMethod: add name: COE-SSO openID: ca: name: redhat-current-it-root-cas claims: email: - email groups: - groups name: - name preferredUsername: - preferred_username clientID: "{{ oauth_hostname }}" clientSecret: name: openid-client-secret-coe-sso issuer: https://sso.coe.../realms/coe-sso type: OpenID ip_coe_sso_admin: mappingMethod: add name: COE-SSO-Admin openID: ca: name: redhat-current-it-root-cas claims: email: - email groups: - groups name: - name preferredUsername: - preferred_username clientID: "{{ oauth_hostname }}" clientSecret: name: openid-client-secret-coe-sso issuer: https://sso.coe..../realms/coe-sso-admin type: OpenID vars: ip_query: "spec.identityProviders" - ansible.builtin.set_fact: identity_providers: [] when: identity_providers | length == 0 - debug: var: identity_providers - ansible.builtin.set_fact: final_identity_providers: "{{ [ ip_coe_sso, ip_coe_sso_admin ] + identity_providers }}" - ansible.builtin.debug: var: final_identity_providers - name: Patch oauth ignore_errors: true kubernetes.core.k8s: validate_certs: false host: https://api....:6443 api_key: ... merge_type: merge definition: apiVersion: "" kind: "OAuth" metadata: name: "cluster" spec: identityProviders: "{{ final_identity_providers }}" - name: Add cluster role kubernetes.core.k8s: validate_certs: false host: https://api....:6443 api_key: ... definition: apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: coe-sso-admin roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: cluster-admin subjects: - apiGroup: kind: Group name: coe-sso-admin ```