stormshift / automation

Ansible Playbooks to deploy a set of OpenShift Cluster onto RHEV
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All about StormShift Automation

Ansible based, of course! (and a litle bit of gitops)

Cluster as a Service via Ansible Automation Platform

We want to provide

Standalone / HCP Cluster - Design

Infrastructure to host the clusters

Ansible inventory description

The inventory is managed in the inventory/ folder.

Ansible Automation Platform Configuration

Ansible playbook and role structure/idea

Run playbooks local

# add all informations
cp -v development-example.vars development-example.vars-private
vim development-example.vars-private
cp -v development-example.env development-example.env-private
vim development-example.env-private

# Load env variables
source development-example.env-private

# Run it
ansible-navigator run ./deploy-cluster.yaml -e @development-example.vars-private -v

Ansible inventory structure (folder: inventory/)


How do dump the entire inventory locally:

ansible-navigator run dump-inventory.yaml --list-hosts

How to dump vars of a host locally:

ansible-navigator run dump-inventory.yaml --limit common-pattern*

How to build execution env.

podman login
export VERSION=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)

ansible-builder build \
    --verbosity 3 \
    --container-runtime podman \

podman login
podman push$VERSION