stoutsource / dapp-demo3

Ethereum Demo Dapp
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Add React web app #1

Open chebykin opened 7 years ago

chebykin commented 7 years ago

A basic React.js web application has to be implemented over the existing vanilla js app. The following stack should be used:

Please, do not use Redux. This as a damn simple app much simpler than a regular CRUD apps.

I will add behavior description to the file shortly.

chebykin commented 7 years ago

Available methods to interact with a blockchain are located at this contract file

There are no options to implement a complex calls like get all users so you have to use low level methods like fetching each user with a distinct call to achieve this.

You can access contract's methods through

Profile.deployed().then((instance) => {
chebykin commented 7 years ago

And keep in mind that Profile.sol contract may be a buggy enough, so please file a ticket if you feel that something doesn't works as expected.