stoutsource / dapp-demo3

Ethereum Demo Dapp
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Example dapp for storing your personal data like email, name and age.

image:["Build Status", link=""]


On the left part of your screen you can see all users who updated their personal information (email, name and age). If you already updated your own information, your id should be highlighted with a distinct color.

On the right part of you screen you see fields to edit your personal email, name and age. By clicking Update button the data will be stored on the blockchain.


How to setup ethereum node for development

Seems that all you need is to setup and run the latest testrpc ethereum network emulator

Setup node.js dev environment

  1. Install truffle
  2. Then run truffle compile, then run truffle migrate to deploy the contracts onto your network of choice (default "development").
  3. Then run npm run dev to build the app and serve it on http://localhost:8080

web3.js notice

Currently unable upgrade to web3.js v1.x.x due the following reasons:


Building static app

[source,shell] .Using pre-configured npm build script

npm run build

Docker deployment

WARNING: Make sure that you have pre-built static app in build folder. If you don't, check out the section above.

Build container image from existing build

[source,shell] .Build a new version of docker image with

docker build -t stoutsource/dapp-demo3 .

[source,shell] .And run it

docker run -p 8080:80 stoutsource/dapp-demo3