stphdenis / meteor-aurelia

Integration of Aurelia on Meteor 1.3 via NPM
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YOU CAN CONTINUE TO USE THIS PACKAGE BUT YOU HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE USING skeleton-esnext-webpack OR skeleton-typescript-webpack FROM AURELIA WITH meteor-webpack-client.

This module is just to load Aurelia on Meteor 1.3 using NPM.

For the static loading of html, we can't use the static-html package as it don't compile <template> alone. So we use sdenis:static-raw-html in place. It is a fork of tsumina:meteor-aurelia.

The Aurelia bootstrapper for Meteor is aurelia-bootstrapper-meteor witch is a fork of aurelia-bootstrapper-webpack.

The Aurelia loader for Meteor is aurelia-loader-meteor witch is a fork of aurelia-loader-webpack.

If you want to use ES6 in place of ES5 just install pbastowski:angular-babel in place of the new ecmascript to be able to use new decorators.

Aurelia Meteor

Aurelia and Meteor power combined. Use Jade and html-minify to speed up your works.

You must remove blaze-html-templates package because this will handle *.html files. Just use:

$ meteor remove blaze-html-templates
$ meteor add sdenis:aurelia

Quick start with Aurelia

  1. Install Meteor $ curl | /bin/sh
  2. Create a new meteor app using $ meteor create myapp or navigate to the root of your existing app
  3. Install Aurelia:
    $ meteor remove blaze-html-templates
    $ meteor add sdenis:aurelia
    $ meteor npm install --save aurelia-bootstrapper-meteor
  4. Install some third party aurelia libraries
    $ meteor npm install --save "some other aurelia libraries"
    $ meteor npm install --save "some other third party aurelia libraries"
    $ meteor npm dedupe # if necessary due to errors or if you wish to a have smaller download size
  5. If you need typescript
    $ meteor add barbatus:typescript



Aurelia use conventions to keep code simple and clean, to bootstrap an aurelia app you need a index.html or client/index.html, include:

<body aurelia-app='client/main'>

The aurelia-app="client/main" attribute points to the Aurelia configuration file named main, which is main.js.

Assume you use es5 js and html template. In the client folder create main.js and insert:

import 'aurelia-bootstrapper-meteor';

export function configure(aurelia) {

  aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot('client/app'));

The main.js is the file where the configuration is done to bootstrap Aurelia.

In this case the main file tells where the entry point of the app is located (client/app), which means go look for the app.html, app.js pair in the client folder.

By convention Aurelia uses view/view-model pairs of the same name.

In the client folder, create app.html and insert:

  <input type="text" placeholder="Your name" value.bind="name">
  <h2>Hello ${name}!</h2>

Then create app.js in the client folder and insert:

export class App {
  constructor() { = '';


When using the developmentLogging plugin of Aurelia, you have to add the following package :

$ meteor npm install --save aurelia-logging-console

and modify your main.js as follow :

import 'aurelia-bootstrapper-meteor';
import 'aurelia-logging-console';

export function configure(aurelia) {

  aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot('client/app'));


When using logging without the developmentLogging plugin of Aurelia, you have to add the following packages :

$ meteor npm install --save aurelia-framework aurelia-logging-console

and modify your main.js as follow :

import 'aurelia-bootstrapper-meteor';

import { LogManager } from 'aurelia-framework';
import { ConsoleAppender } from 'aurelia-logging-console';

LogManager.addAppender(new ConsoleAppender());

export function configure(aurelia) {

  aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot('client/app'));