strands-project / strands_morse

A MORSE-based simulation for the STRANDS project
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A MORSE-based simulation for the STRANDS project


For running the simulation you would need:

We recommend to install the morse-blender-bundle from our debian server:

Please refer to the respective installation guides to install them on your system.

The current software has been tested under the following configuration:

Please note: Using a depth camera requires Python 3.3.0 and a corresponding Blender version (>2.65).

Getting Started

Start some terminals and run the commands below:

  1. Fire up roscore:

    $ roscore
  2. Run the MORSE simulation:

    $ roslaunch strands_morse bham_cs_morse.launch
  3. (optional) Launch the 2D navigation:

    $ roslaunch strands_morse bham_cs_nav2d.launch
  4. (optional) To visualize the environment model in RVIZ run

    $ rosrun rviz rviz
    $ roslaunch strands_morse bham_cs_rviz.launch

    and add a new display of type RobotModel in RVIZ. Set the robot_description to /env/env_description and TF prefix to env. (requires strands_utils)

The commands above use the lower ground floor of the Computer Science building by default. For simulating a different level of the building please run:

    $ roslaunch strands_morse bham_cs_morse.launch env:=cs_1

Other available environments are: cs_lg, cs_ug, cs_1, cs_2, cs (for the whole building)

Similarly, you have to run the navigation and visualization with an extra argument as follows:

    $ roslaunch strands_morse bham_cs_nav2d.launch env:=cs_1               

    $ roslaunch strands_morse bham_cs_rviz.launch env:=cs_1

To start run the MORSE simulation of the TUM kitchen with a ScitosA5:

   $ roslaunch strands_morse tum_kitchen_morse.launch


   $ roslaunch strands_morse tum_kitchen_morse.launch env:=tum_kitchen_WITHOUT_CAMERAS

The Scitos robot model is equipped with a video, depth and semantic camera by default.

If you wish to start the robot without any camera provide Scitosa5.WITHOUT_CAMERAS in the robot's constructor (see example below). Starting the robot without any camera is useful to run MORSE in fast_mode.

If you only want to disable the depth camera, provide Scitosa5.WITHOUT_DEPTHCAM in the constructor. This might be useful if you run MORSE on MacOSX, because users have reported problems when using a depth camera.

Example usage in the MORSE builder script: