strawberrymusicplayer / strawberry

:strawberry: Strawberry Music Player
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fedora 40 missing in repo and status on Rawhide builds #1431

Closed mmkthecoolest closed 2 months ago

mmkthecoolest commented 2 months ago

NOTE: I found a similar issue (#582) that was previously marked as resolved, so I am posting it here. Let me know if this isn't the correct place to post about this.

Fedora 40 is now on stable since the 23rd but I do not see builds for it in the repo. I also noticed that Rawhide builds have not been updated since 20th December 2023. I would like for Fedora 40 builds to be available so I can upgrade my system (currently at Fedora 39).

Apologies for not following the bug template but I felt this technically isn't a bug with the program.

jonaski commented 2 months ago

I checked a while back and Fedora 40 was not available, openSUSE is very late to add new Fedora versions. But I see it's available now so it's fixed now.