strawberrymusicplayer / strawberry

:strawberry: Strawberry Music Player
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Collection Scanning at Startup Ignores Setting to Not Scan When Starting Strawberry #1469

Open bama35453 opened 6 days ago

bama35453 commented 6 days ago

Describe the bug As default Strawberry will scan the folders containing the personal collection. In the settings there is a switch to turn off this scan on startup. In case the collection is on a different drive (e.g. on D:\ instead of C:) the setting is being ignored. So no matter whether the setting is enabled or disabled Strawberry will update the collection.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior

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jonaski commented 4 days ago

This is most likely the "Monitor collection for changes" that triggers, try disabling that in the Collection settings and see if the issue is resolved. You can do it manually instead using tools / "Update changed collection folders".

bama35453 commented 4 days ago

I have disabled all those settings related to scanning / monitoring the collection. Therefore I don't think it's related to one of those settings.