strawhatboy / clash-for-win-self-rules-appender

automatically append self-defined rules to remote subscription
MIT License
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automatically append self-defined rules to a remote subscription, a workaround for #593


pyyaml, watchdog

How to use

usage: [-h] [-d] [-c CONFIG] [-p PROFILE_DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --direct          switch on to directly modify the subscribed config, if
                        leave it off, you need to specify a custom config path
                        to "--config"
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        when "--direct" is not enabled, this file will be
                        written, you can locate it by clicking 'Edit in Text
                        Mode' on your CFW config
  -p PROFILE_DIR, --profile-dir PROFILE_DIR
                        directory for profiles, if empty, will try to extract
                        from "--config", can also be useful if you're in
                        Windows Subsystem Linux

Option 1: Simple and Effective

  1. run python -d and keep the terminal running
  2. update your subscription manually or automatically

    There could be error message from CFW saying it cannot apply the profile because it's empty, just ignore it and click to select the profile again

Option 2: If you want to keep hands clean

  1. Modify the file myconf.yml in the repo cloned on your disk to add customized rules
  2. Duplicate your CFW (clash for windows) config by clicking "Duplicate Profile" button on your subscribed profile in the "Profiles" tab of Clash For Windows

    Duplicate Config

  3. Click "Edit in text mode" button on the profile you just cloned and open it with your favorite text editor just to get its path. Of course you can directly go to %userprofile%\.config\clash to identify your customized profile by the created date or modified date

    Edit Custom Config

    Custom Config Path

  4. Run python --config <path to your customized profile> and keep the terminal running
  5. Click "Update this profile" on your subscribed profile, and your customized profile will be updated at the same time


  6. Click and select your customized profile to make it effective

Customized Rule Format

Here's an example: (in myconf.yml)

  - DOMAIN,,Proxy
  - DOMAIN-KEYWORD,kaggle,Proxy

Basically you just need to keep the format - [type],[content],[policy] for each item you want to append

You may noticed that they're just the same as those when you try to add new Rule for your CFW profile

Just beaware that the more rules you add, the more system resource CFW will take