striblab / campfi-2018

campaign finance
MIT License
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Campfi 2018

Campaign finance dashboard for 2018 election


This project is meant to live within the Star Tribune CMS. Overall, this means that the markup and content are stored within the CMS, while the styling and javascript is created and managed here.

It is necessary to have news-platform running locally as this will create a connection to the CMS data. It is also important to have news-platform configured with the ASSETS_STATIC_URL environment variable set to http://localhost:3000/ so that news-platform can find the files in this project.

Once a CMS article has been created and the template is set up, make sure to include the article ID in config.json.


The news-platform/CMS templates are written in Twig. There are two templates, one for mobile, and one for desktop (though mobile can be ignored with an option in the CMS).

In the ./cms/ directory, there are generic templates that can be used for most projects. All content and variable data is managed in an LCD (Linked Content Data). For more details, see ./cms/

Static asset function

To manually include specific includes that will work locally and in production, one must use the static_asset function in the news-platform template. Basically, the path should be the path to where the assets will be published on To have the local server to react correctly to this, make sure that the publish.production.path is set to the same base path in config.json.

{% block styles %}
  {{ parent() }}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ static_asset('news/projects/all/campfi-2018/styles.bundle.css') }}">
{% endblock %}

{% block scripts %}
  {{ parent() }}
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ static_asset('news/projects/all/campfi-2018/app.bundle.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}



The following are global prerequisites and may already be installed.

  1. (on Mac) Install homebrew.
  2. Install Node.js.
    • (on Mac) brew install node
  3. Install Gulp: npm install gulp -g

The following should be performed for initial and each code update:

  1. Install Node dependencies: npm install


To run a local web server that will auto-reload with Browsersync, watch for file changes and re-build: gulp develop

There are some arguments that can alter the server behavior; you can run these in multiple Terminal tabs for different development needs:

Directories and files

Dependencies and modules

Depending on what libraries or dependencies you need to include there are a few different ways to get those into the project.


Testing is run via Jest. Fast, unit and higher level testing will happen on build. You can run these test manually with gulp js:test or npm test.

Acceptance testing (i.e. high level quality assurance) is done separately as running headless Chrome takes more than a couple seconds. You will need a new version of Chrome or Chrome Canary installed, then run js:test:acceptance.

NOTE: Acceptance test will fail until this fix is published.

TODO: Some basic automated, cross-browser testing would be very beneficial. Unfortunately things like Browserstack are very expensive, and managing our own servers to do this would be very expensive time-wise as well.

Embed testing

A manual test page is provided for looking at the piece embeded in another page.

  1. Assumes you are running the development server with gulp develop
  2. Run a local server for the test directory, such as cd tests && python -m SimpleHTTPServer or http-server ./tests/
  3. In a browser, go to http://localhost:8080/manual/embed.html.


All parts are compiled into the build/ folder. The default complete build can be done with gulp or gulp build

Publish and deploy

Deployment is setup for AWS S3. Set the following environment variables; they can be set in a .env file as well. For further reading on setting up access, see Configureing the JS-SDK.

To deploy, run gulp deploy. This will build and publish to the location configured as default (see Configuration below).

To deploy to the production location, for instance, simply use that flag like: gulp deploy --production

A handy command is to use gulp publish:open to open the URL to that project.


Publishing is configured in the config.json file. The publish property can have the following keys: default, testing, staging, and production. It is suggested to use default in place of the staging as the default gets used when no flag is specified (see below). Each key should correspond to an object with bucket, path, and url. IMPORTANT: The url should be a fully qualified URL that ends with a /. This URL will get inserted into some meta tags on the page by default. For example:

  "publish": {
    "default": {
      "bucket": "",
      "path": "news/projects-staging/all/campfi-2018/",
      "url": ""
    "production": {
      "bucket": "",
      "path": "news/projects/all/campfi-2018/",
      "url": ""

Using the flags --testing, --staging, or --production will switch context for any relevant publish or deploy commands. Note that if the flag is not configured, the default will be used.

Publishing token

The publishing function, uses a token that helps ensure a name collision with another project doesn't overwrite files unwittingly. The publishToken in config.json is used as an identifier. This gets deployed to S3 and then checked whenever publishing happens again. The gulp publish (run via gulp deploy) will automatically create this token if it doesn't exist.

If you see an error message that states that the tokens do not match, make sure that the location you are publishing to doesn't have a different project at it, or converse with teammates or administrators about the issue.

Styles and practices

Having a consistent style for code and similar aspects makes collaboration easier. Though there is nothing that enforces these things, intentionally so, spending some time to adhere to these styles will be beneficial in the long run.

Other good practices that are not encompassed with linters.


Code is licensed under the MIT license included here. Content (such as images, video, audio, copy) can only be reused with express permission by Star Tribune.


Generated by Star Tribune StribLab generator.