strictd / angular2-ionic2-webpack

Angular2 Webpack, Ionic2 Rollup
MIT License
12 stars 7 forks source link

This repo is all you need to develop web and mobile applications. We found the original repo was difficult and confusing when it came to adding support for more platforms. This structure will make it easier for you to reuse code and stay organized.

Quick Start


Clone this Repo, install frontend and backend applications with npm

Start backend api service in one window

Start frontend dev-server in separate window

# clone this repo
# --depth 1 removes all but one .git commit history
git clone --depth 1

# change directory to this repo
cd angular2-ionic2-webpack

# install the frontend repo with npm
npm install

# change to backend repo
cd backend

# install the backend repo with npm
npm install

# start backend node service
node server.js

# if you're in China use cnpm

Open second cmd window

# change directory to this repo
cd angular2-ionic2-webpack

# start the server
npm start

go to or http://localhost:8080 in your browser

Table of Contents

How to Initialize App

Setup Dependencies

What you need to run this app:

  • Ensure you're running Node (v6.x.x+) and NPM (3.x.x+)
  • Check versions with node -v and npm -v
  • If you are behind a version try npm update -g npm to update npm.
  • For node go to
  • Ionic-CLI and Cordova, install using npm install -g ionic cordova

Git clone repository, change to subdirectory

git clone
cd angular2-ionic2-webpack

Install NPM modules

Using the command prompt enter:

Install of Ionic and Cordova

Node Server Setup

Copy backend/ sample.env to .env and edit global environment variables in .env

Node Server Startup

Config Setting Utility

Setting Default
api server localhost:3080
debugging On

Reset Defaults

gulp configs

Additional gulp config switches

Sets compile settings for production

gulp configs --release

Sets Madame Server / Socket Host in

gulp configs --host localhost:3080

Angular2 Startup

npm start

Ionic2 Startup

npm run ionic

Development Startup

Here are all the steps for starting the project

Basic commands to run your project are:

  1. start backend: backend/ node server.js

  2. start angular: npm start

  3. start ionic: npm run ionic

Then navigate to: Webapp: localhost:8080 Ionic: localhost:8100

Once you have started the webpack you will see the webpack-dashboard. Changes to file in the front end will automatically be built and shown in the webpack-dashboard. Changes to the backend wont take effect and you will have to restart server.js to show changes.

Build Project

Angular2 Build

To Compile everything into dist/ for distro npm run build

Ionic2 Build

Compiles everything into www/ npm run ionic-build

*ionic-build has same Switches as ionic-serve


You can generate api docs (using TypeDoc) for your code with the following:

File Structure

We use the standard component based approach. We combine files in the following areas; backend server, browser views, mobile views, and app services. Within the browser and mobile view folders we group singleton components and combined components that make up modules.

 ├──backend/                    * Serverside Application, self-contained
 │   ├──db/                       * holds db connection files
 │   │   └──db_knex_default_mysql.js * default database connection library
 │   │
 │   ├──modules/                  * backend modules, restful routes and functionality
 │   │   ├──login/                  * backend login module pack
 │   │   │   ├──crypto-imap.js         * crypto library for imap authentication
 │   │   │   ├──crypto-pdkdf2.js       * crypto library for pdkdf encryption
 │   │   │   └──login.restful.js       * login restful endpoints
 │   │   │
 │   │   └──permission/              * backend permission module pack
 │   │       ├──permission.model.js    * permission functionality
 │   │       └──permission.restful.js  * permission restful endpoints
 │   │
 │   ├──.gitignore                * ignore files for backend directory
 │   ├──                 * Server side Readme 
 │   ├──catchError.js             * Sockets error catching
 │   ├──package.json              * what npm uses to manage it's dependencies
 │   ├──sample.env                * example .env file, needs to be copied to .env and modified 
 │   └──server.js                 * node backend starting point, `node server.js`
 ├──src/                        * our source files that will be compiled to javascript
 │   ├──browser/                  * browser based view files for angular2 layouts
 │   │   ├──app/                    * WebApp: folder
 │   │   │   ├──app.component.ts      * a simple version of our App component components
 │   │   │   ├──app.module.ts         * root AppModule component
 │   │   │   ├──app.routing.ts        * specify root routing instructions
 │   │   │   ├──           * development bootstraping
 │   │   │   ├──          * production bootstraping
 │   │   │   ├──polyfills.ts          * our polyfills file
 │   │   │   └──vendor.ts             * our vendor file, add third party libraries here
 │   │   │
 │   │   │ 
 │   │   ├──assets/                 * any files you want copied to the public www directory
 │   │   │   ├──img/                  * public facing images
 │   │   │   ├──index.html            * index.html for public facing page
 │   │   │   └──service-worker.js     * placeholder for upcoming service-workers 
 │   │   │
 │   │   │ 
 │   │   ├──components/             * single components not part of a module
 │   │   │   ├──home/                 * sample homepage site view component
 │   │   │   │   ├──home.css            * homepage css styles
 │   │   │   │   ├──home.html           * homepage angular2 html
 │   │   │   │   └──home.ts             * homepage view component
 │   │   │   │
 │   │   │   └──login/                * sample login page view component
 │   │   │       ├──login.css           * login css styles
 │   │   │       ├──login.html          * login angular html
 │   │   │       └──login.ts            * homepage view component
 │   │   │
 │   │   │ 
 │   │   ├──modules/                * grouped components part of a module
 │   │   │   ├──headers               * sample module for headers
 │   │   │   │   ├──header              * sample header component
 │   │   │   │   │   ├──header.html
 │   │   │   │   │   └──header.ts
 │   │   │   │   │
 │   │   │   │   ├──navbar            * sample navbar component
 │   │   │   │   │   ├──navbar.css
 │   │   │   │   │   ├──navbar.html 
 │   │   │   │   │   └──navbar.ts
 │   │   │   │   │
 │   │   │   │   └──headers.module.ts * module imports and exports header and navbar
 │   │   │   │
 │   │   │   └──shared.module.ts    * global shared modules  
 │   │   │
 │   │   └──auth-guard.js         * login systems @CanActivate browser authguard
 │   │
 │   │
 │   ├──desktop/                * future home for angular-electron integration
 │   │
 │   │
 │   ├──mobile/                 * mobile view files for ionic2-angular2 layouts
 │   │   ├──app/                  * IonicApp folder
 │   │   │   ├──app.component.ts    * a simple version of our App component components
 │   │   │   ├──app.module.ts       * root AppModule component for Ionic
 │   │   │   └──        * production bootstraping
 │   │   │
 │   │   ├──assets/               * any files you want copied to the public www directory
 │   │   │   ├──icon
 │   │   │   ├──manifest.json
 │   │   │   └──service-worker.js
 │   │   │
 │   │   ├──pages/                * ionic view components
 │   │   │   ├──about               * sample ionic tabs project about page
 │   │   │   ├──contact             * sample ionic tabs project contact page
 │   │   │   ├──home                * sample ionic tabs project home page
 │   │   │   └──tabs                * sample ionic tabs project entry page
 │   │   │
 │   │   ├──theme/                * mobile interface themes
 │   │   │   ├──app.core.scss
 │   │   │   ├──app.ios.scss
 │   │   │   ├──
 │   │   │   ├──app.variables.scss
 │   │   │   ├──app.wp.scss
 │   │   │   └──variables.scss 
 │   │   │
 │   │   └──index.html            * index.html for public facing page
 │   │
 │   │ 
 │   ├──services/               * services for retrieving api data from backend server
 │   │   ├──api.ts              * sample api angular2 service
 │   │   └──login-service.ts    * login service for angular2 auth-guard
 │   │
 │   └──style/                  * global style libraries
 │       └──app.scss              * global app styles
 ├──tsconfig/                   * tsconfig base files, copied to tsconfig.json with gulp
 │   ├──browser.json              * tsconfig file adjusted for angular2 compiles
 │   └──ionic.json                * tsconfig file adjusted for ionic2 compiles
 ├──.gitignore                  * ignore files for git repo
 ├──.htaccess                   * mod-rewrite instructions for Apache 
 ├──                * list of changes made to repo
 ├──LICENSE                     * MIT License text
 ├──                   * this file
 ├──               * angular2 @Injectable ConfigApp, provides global config options
 ├──config.xml                  * ionic2 project description file
 ├──gulpfile.js                 * worker to modify configs, hooks for ionic
 ├──ionic-copy.config.js        * ionic-app-scripts copy updated config file
 ├──ionic.config.json           * ionic2 configuration
 ├──ionic.project               * ionic2 project info
 ├──karma-shim.js               * karam browser shim for unit tests
 ├──karma.conf.js               * karma config for our unit tests
 ├──package.json                * what npm uses to manage it's dependencies
 ├──protractor.conf.js          * protractor config for our end-to-end tests
 ├──tsconfig.json               * config that webpack uses for typescript
 ├──tslint.json                 * typescript lint config
 ├──typedoc.json                * typescript documentation generator
 ├──web.config                  * IIS url rewrite instructions (
 └──webpack.config.js           * webpack browser angular2 configuration file


1. Unit Tests

2. End-to-End Tests (aka. e2e, integration)


To build your application, run:

You can now go to /dist and deploy that to your server!


You can generate api docs (using TypeDoc) for your code with the following:


Do I need to add script / link tags into index.html ?

No, Webpack will add all the needed Javascript bundles as script tags and all the CSS files as link tags. The advantage is that you don't need to modify the index.html every time you build your solution to update the hashes.

How to include external angular 2 libraries ?

It's simple, just install the lib via npm and import it in your code when you need it. Don't forget that you need to configure some external libs in the bootstrap of your application.

How to include external css files such as bootstrap.css ?

Just install the lib and import the css files in vendor.ts. For example this is how to do it with bootstrap:

npm install bootstrap@next --save

And in vendor.ts add the following:

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';


To take full advantage of TypeScript with autocomplete you would have to use an editor with the correct TypeScript plugins.

Use latest TypeScript compiler

TypeScript 2.0.x includes everything you need. Make sure to upgrade, even if you installed TypeScript previously.

npm install --global typescript

Use a TypeScript-aware editor

We have good experience using these editors:
