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docsearch: add Spider Tests #13

Closed jchristgit closed 7 years ago

jchristgit commented 7 years ago

Spider Contracts enable us to easily validate different parsing functions from our Spiders. Adding these would help ensure that the parsers function correctly and reduce testing needs from our end.

jchristgit commented 7 years ago

I'm having a bunch of issues with this.

Apparently, scrapy only runs contracts inside the docstring of parse while ignoring the others. Since the cppreference spider uses the parse method as an entry point for distributing different types of pages to their respective parsers, this isn't really effective.

I currently have the following (method bodies cut out for readability):

def parse(self, response):
    @returns requests 1

def parse_symbol_index(self, response):
    @returns requests 700

def parse_std_symbol(response):
    @returns items 740
    @scrapes names defined_in_header sigs desc return params example link

All that scrappy returns when running scrapy check cppreference -v is:

[cppreference] parse (@returns post-hook) ... ok

Ran 1 contract in 4.883s


... which is not the intended function of this.

jchristgit commented 7 years ago

Closing this since the spider contracts do not work correctly for this. Instead, after merging the branch, we will add a test suite for various functions that were built for the scrapers as well as various utility functions.