A Discord Bot written by Members of the Programming Server to evaluate code and search documentation for various languages.
If you are not from the Programming Discord Server,
chances are you have little idea of what this is doing. But worry not! Check out the
file in the docs
directory, it should give you an idea of
what this project is all about - this file is focused around setup instructions.
This Project requires a Python 3.6 Interpreter as well as a bunch of dependencies which you can install by using the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You need to rename config-example.json
to config.json
and put your Discord token into it.
To start the bot, simply use the following command, from the root directory:
python3 -m docflow
If no reference files are found, this will scrape them automatically, which may
take a few minutes. Afterwards, the results are cached in docflow/.scrapy/httpcache/
which will greatly increase the speed at which subsequent scrapes run.
If you wish to manually scrape again, simply run python3 -m docflow scrape
The master branch should always be functional, so adding new features, fixing bugs,
refactoring code or other changes must be worked on within branches. Please push
intermediate commits to the dev
branch when they have reached a certain stability.
For discussion and getting your branch merged, please use Pull Requests.
Also, please make sure to use descriptive commit messages so other collaborators
can understand your changes easier. Each commit should represent one idea.
Please view this for a more
detailed description of the GitHub Flow.