strothj / babel-plugin-react-docgen-typescript

Babel Plugin to generate docgen data from React components written in TypeScript.
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babel-plugin-react-docgen-typescript is a Babel Plugin to generate docgen data from React components written in TypeScript.



$ npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-react-docgen-typescript


Via .bablerc

  "plugins": [
        "docgenCollectionName": "STORYBOOK_REACT_CLASSES",
        "include": "components.*\\.tsx$",
        "exclude": "stories\\.tsx$"


This plugin calls out to a parser from react-docgen-typescript for all files ending in .tsx$. This is very inefficient. This plugin is a bit of a hack.

To speed things up a bit, it is recommended to include the plugin settings include and exclude to restrict parsing to your component directories.


Setting Required Type Description Example
skipPropsWithName false string[] or string This option is passed along to react-docgen-typescript's parser. It globally ignores props with the specified name(s). "classname" or ["classname", "color"]
skipPropsWithoutDoc false boolean This option is passed along to react-docgen-typescript's parser. It globally ignores props without documentation. true
shouldExtractLiteralValuesFromEnum false boolean This option is passed along to react-docgen-typescript's parser. It convert string enums and unions to docgen enum format. Possible values are still accessible. true
shouldExtractValuesFromUnion false boolean This option is passed along to react-docgen-typescript's parser. It convert multiple types to docgen enum format. Possible values are still accessible. true
docgenCollectionName false string Enables collecting docgen data into a global object. This is used to integrate with tools like Storybook. "STORYBOOK_REACT_CLASSES"
include false string A regular expression of files to pass along to react-docgen-typescript's parser. Defaults to \.tsx$. "components.*\\.tsx$"
exclude false string A regular expression to filter the results from include. For instance, you can add a regular expression to prevent files ending in .stories.tsx from being processed in your component directories. "stories\\.tsx$"
