strozfriedberg / sidr

Search Index Database Reporter
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dfir forensics windows

Search Index DB Reporter (SIDR)

SIDR (Search Index DB Reporter) is a Rust-based tool designed to parse Windows search artifacts from Windows 10 (and prior) and Windows 11 systems. The tool handles both ESE databases (Windows.edb) and SQLite databases (Windows.db) as input and generates three detailed reports as output.

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Usage: sidr [OPTIONS] <INPUT>

          Path to input directory (which will be recursively scanned for Windows.edb and Windows.db)

  -f, --format <FORMAT>
          Output report format

          [default: json]
          [possible values: json, csv]

  -r, --report-type <REPORT_TYPE>
          Output results to file or stdout

          [default: to-file]
          [possible values: to-file, to-stdout]

  -o, --outdir <OUTPUT DIRECTORY>
          Path to the directory where reports will be created (will be created if not present). Default is the current directory

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version


> sidr -f json C:\\test

will scan the C:\test directory for Windows.db and Windows.edb files and will produce 3 logs in the current working directory: DESKTOP-12345_File_Report_20230307_015244.json DESKTOP-12345_Internet_History_Report_20230307_015317.json DESKTOP-12345_Activity_History_Report_20230307_015317.json

Where the filename follows this format: HOSTNAME_ReportName_DateTime.json|csv

HOSTNAME is extracted from the database.


Building SIDR requires Rust to be installed.

To build SIDR:

$ git clone
$ cd sidr
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/sidr --version
sidr 0.8.0

Running with cargo

cargo run --bin sidr -- -f csv --report-type to-file /home/<username>/path/to/tests_s

Velociraptor Plugin

The velosidr.yaml file can be used to configure a Velociraptor plugin that will run SIDR on a target system.

Note: In order to parse the database on the target endpoint, the SIDR plugin must create an empty database and copy the original database to it. Creating the new copy can overwrite multiple gigabytes of data in unallocated clusters, which may result in loss of evidence. Please use the plugin with caution.


Copyright 2023, Aon. SIDR is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.