structure7 / hvacMonitor

Monitoring supply/return air temps, run status, and on/off durations.
MIT License
10 stars 6 forks source link

Early-2019 note: Still alive! Living in an apartment so not much home hacking to do. I shall return.


A small project to monitor and control my HVAC system. Designed a PCB... need to get it critiqued!

Hardware is a WeMos D1 Mini, a few DS18B20 digital thermometers, and 4 relays. I started out with an ESP-01 but, as always, I wanted more! Check out the board design here.


Libraries and Resources

Title Include Link
Time Timelib.h
SimpleTimer SimpleTimer.h
blynk-library BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h, WidgetRTC.h, TimeLib.h
OneWire OneWire.h
Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library DallasTemperature.h
ESP8266 board mgr N/A json & instructions

Many thanks to all the library authors. I know nothing. They do.

Pin Assignments

HW Pin GPIO† Purpose
A0 A0 Available (todo: current transformer).
D0 16 Fan control relay (green wire††).
D1 5 Cooling control relay (yellow wire††).
D2 4 Heating control relay (white wire††).
D3 0 T-stat control bypass relay.†††
D4 2 Available.†††
D5 14 HVAC fan-only run state.
D6 12 DS18B20 array. 4.7KΩ pullup.
D7 13 HVAC cooling/heating motor run state. 10KΩ pullup. Future: Split these two states.
D8 15 Available.†††

† ESP8266 GPIO: The pin number used in the IDE.
†† Wire colors correspond to standard HVAC thermostat 4-wire system.
††† About ESP GPIOs and boot modes.


From friend:

Cool, man.

From kids:

What is that?

From wife:

That's nice, honey.

From me:

It's great to have historical data on outside temperatures and see how they impact the inside, as well as notifications if the return air/supply air delta temperature drops too low or is trending that way. I can at least get a jump on possible refrigerant loss, compressor overheat, or other service issue. I can also set any room's temperature sensor to be a virtual thermostat... from my phone. ZONES! Go team.

How to edit this.