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Hashtags for Websites
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Creating Thorpes to full on URLs like <server>/<external-url> is weird #19

Closed nikolaswise closed 6 months ago

nikolaswise commented 6 months ago

Feels weird! Less weird would be to avoid the server instance in the term itself so its just the external URL. This would mean that these URLs … dont show up in the server UI? I guess??

I guess this can be distilled to:

The UI on the Server for External URL Pages is Weird™. It should be Not Weird™.

nikolaswise commented 6 months ago

The Server UI should discriminate between Terms and Pages

nikolaswise commented 6 months ago

The Server UI Should Not Provide External Pages with Their Own Page

nikolaswise commented 6 months ago

The Server UI Should List All External Pages


This could be a cool opportunity for network diagrams too, because we have a TON of web pages here that are bidirectionally related.

nikolaswise commented 6 months ago

There Should Be an Endpoint for Describing Octothorped Pages that is Different than Terms

Rather than
