stucco-software /

Hashtags for Websites
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Local Development

Start the docker container for Oxigraph:

❯ docker compose build
❯ docker compose up

Oxigraph UI:

Start the local dev server for the Octothorpes UI:

❯ npm run dev

Visit the Site UI: http://localhost:5173/

Start the static site demo server so our local octothorpes ring has a member site:

❯ npm run dev

Register a Local Ring

To add the demo site – or any other site – to the local Ring;

  1. visit the Oxigraph UI.
  2. Change the query URL from http://localhost:7878/query to http://localhost:7878/update
  3. Past the following SPARQL query:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX octo: <>

insert data {
  <http://localhost:8888/> octo:verified "true" .
  <http://localhost:8888/> rdf:type <octo:Origin> .
  1. Hit the big arrow 'Go' button.

Get Unverified Domains & Challenges

PREFIX oc: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX octo: <>

select * {
  ?d rdf:type <octo:Origin> .
  ?d octo:verified "false" .
  ?d octo:challenge ?c .

Check if the TXT header has been added

❯ dig -t txt +short