studentenportal / deploy

:ship: The deployment
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The Studentenportal deployment currently deployed on

Bird's eye view

There are three Docker containers running, orchestrated using docker-compose:

Other than Docker, only a few things are running on the host directly:

Logging into the server

To log in to the server behind, ssh to Most services run as the studentenportal user which has nologin as shell, so you'll need to su studentenportal -s /bin/bash.

Relevant files

All relevant data is in /home/studentenportal on the server.


This repository contains Ansible configurations to set up the host machine and sets up the certificate inside the Docker container.

The private pass repository contains passwords needed to run Ansible.

The web repository contains docker-compose-production.yml which sets up the production environment. It uses data from deploy/production/ in the same repository, including the nginx/dehydrated configuration. This is so that it's possible to simulate the real deployment locally. Note that the web repository sets up nginx with a self-signed snakeoil certificate, which then gets replaced by a proper one by running dehydrated via Ansible.`


To deploy the Ansible-part, do the following:

To re-deploy the application docker container, run ./deploy/production/scripts/ inside the web/ repository on the server.