studio8502 / Sentinel-65X

A cost-reduced 65816-compatible retrocomputer
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Permissive
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Sentinel 65X

This is a design for an 8/16-bit computer/games console, which uses the 65816 CPU architecture (by WDC) and the VERA video system (by Frank van den Hoef) as its core. It is not directly compatible with any existing system, but porting from other 6502 and 65816 systems which have a similar architecture should not prove difficult.



The revision 0 schematic is nearly finished, approaching the production of the first working prototypes. The goal is a limited release in 2024, followed by a full release in 2025.


At the present time, software for this design is nonexistent. The intention is to implement a kernel and library to support assembly and C programming for cross-development (using the Calypsi C toolchain), and to eventually develop or port a suite of tools for on-device programming to be put into the system ROM.

The planned kernel will be reminiscent of the architecture of MSX-DOS 2, but will support long file names and the FAT32 (and later ExFAT) filesystem on SD cards.