stulp / dmpbbo

Python/C++ library for Dynamical Movement Primitives and Black-Box Optimization
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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This repository provides an implementation of dynamical systems, function approximators, dynamical movement primitives, and black-box optimization with evolution strategies, in particular the optimization of the parameters of dynamical movement primitives.

News: Version 2

Version 2 of dmpbbo was released in June 2022. If you still require the previous API, or the C++ implementations of training and optimization that used XML as the serialization format, please use v1.0.0:

For whom?

This library may be useful for you if you

Example code

Here is a quick look at the code functionality for training and real-time execution of dynamical movement primitives (see for the full source code):

# Train a DMP with a trajectory
traj = Trajectory.loadtxt("trajectory.txt")
function_apps = [ FunctionApproximatorRBFN(10, 0.7) for _ in range(traj.dim) ]
dmp = Dmp.from_traj(traj, function_apps, dmp_type="KULVICIUS_2012_JOINING")

# Numerical integration
dt = 0.001
n_time_steps = int(1.3 * traj.duration / dt)
x, xd = dmp.integrate_start()
for tt in range(1, n_time_steps):
    x, xd = dmp.integrate_step(dt, x)
    # Convert complete DMP state to end-eff state
    y, yd, ydd = dmp.states_as_pos_vel_acc(x, xd)

# Save the DMP to a json file that can be read in C++
json_for_cpp.savejson_for_cpp("dmp_for_cpp.json", dmp)

The json file saved above can be read into C++ and be integrated in real-time as follows (see demoDmp.cpp for the full source code including memory allocation)

ifstream file("dmp_for_cpp.json");
Dmp* dmp = json::parse(file).get<Dmp*>();

// Allocate memory for x/xd/y/yd/ydd
dmp->integrateStart(x, xd);
double dt = 0.001;
for (double t = 0.0; t < 2.0; t+=dt) {
    dmp->integrateStep(dt, x, x, xd);
    // Convert complete DMP state to end-eff state
    dmp->stateAsPosVelAcc(x, xd, y, yd, ydd);


For our own use, the aims of coding this were the following:


How to install the libraries/binaries/documentation is described in

Code structure

The core functionality is in the Python package dmpbbo/. It contains five subpackages:

The function approximators are trained with input and target data, and a DMP is trained with a demonstrated trajectory. These trained model can be saved to the json format, and then be read by the C++ code in src/ (with nlohmann::json). The DMP integration functions that are called inside the control loop are all real-time, in the sense that they do not dynamically allocate memory, and not computationally intensive (mainly the multiplication of small matrices). The design pattern behind dmpbbo is thus "Train in Python. Execute in C++.", as illustrated in the image below.

As the optimization algorithm responsible for generating exploratory samples and updating the DMP parameters need not be real-time, requires intermediate visualization for monitoring purposes, and is more easily implemented in a script, the bbo and bbo_of_dmps subpackages have not been implemented in C++.

To see a concrete example of how the Python and C++ implementations are intended to work together, please see demos/robot/. Here, the optimization is done in Python, but a simulated "robot" executes the DMPs in C++.

Training and prediction/integration in Python/C++

Research background

In 2014, I decided to write one library that integrates the different research threads on the acquisition and optimization that I had been pursuing since 2009. These threads are listed below. Also, I wanted to provide a tutorial on dynamical movement primitives for students, along with code to try DMPs out in practice.

If you use this library in the context of experiments for a scientific paper, we would appreciate if you could cite this library in the paper as follows:

author  = {Freek Stulp and Gennaro Raiola},
title   = {DmpBbo: A versatile Python/C++ library for Function Approximation, Dynamical Movement Primitives, and Black-Box Optimization},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}
year    = {2019},
doi     = {10.21105/joss.01225},
url     = {}



Contributions in the form of feedback, code, and bug reports are very welcome: