stumpwm / stumpwm-contrib

Extension Modules for StumpWM
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XEMBED:*TIMESTAMP* is bound to nil when initialzing StumpTray. Expecting an (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32) #142

Closed YorkZ closed 4 years ago

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

After upgrading my archlinux system with:

sudo pacman -Syyu

and re-installing the StumpWM from AUR, the stumptray no longer works. In my ~/.stumpwm.d/init.lisp file, I have the following lines:

(load-module "stumptray")

If I remove the line:


The entire init.lisp file would be evaluated successfully, but with no system tray, of course. Then if I manually evaluate the above line, I got the following errors:

The value
is not of type
   [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]

 0: [RETRY] Retry SLIME interactive evaluation request.
 1: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
 2: [ABORT] abort thread (#<THREAD "worker" RUNNING {1005FDF353}>)

  0: (XLIB::WRITE-VECTOR-CARD32 #<XLIB:DISPLAY :0 (The X.Org Foundation R12005000)> 24 #(NIL 502 8389191 0 0) 0 5)
  6: (STUMPTRAY::TRAY-INIT #S(STUMPTRAY::TRAY :WIN #<XLIB:WINDOW stumpwm/stumpwm#1=:0 800245> :SOWIN #<XLIB:WINDOW stumpwm/stumpwm#1#:0 800247> :FPWIN #<XLIB:WINDOW stumpwm/stumpwm#1#:0 800246> :VIWIN #<XLIB:WINDOW stumpwm/stumpwm#1#:0 800248> :HIWIN #<XLIB:WINDOW ..
 11: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-RETRY-RESTART "Retry SLIME interactive evaluation request." #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA NIL :IN SWANK:INTERACTIVE-EVAL) {10074C788B}>)
 14: (EVAL (SWANK:INTERACTIVE-EVAL "(stumptray::stumptray)"))
 15: (SWANK:EVAL-FOR-EMACS (SWANK:INTERACTIVE-EVAL "(stumptray::stumptray)") ":stumpwm" 11)
 19: (SWANK::CALL-WITH-BINDINGS ((*STANDARD-INPUT* . stumpwm/stumpwm#1=#<SWANK/GRAY::SLIME-INPUT-STREAM {10040E81A3}>) (*STANDARD-OUTPUT* . stumpwm/stumpwm#2=#<SWANK/GRAY::SLIME-OUTPUT-STREAM {10040E8233}>) (*TRACE-OUTPUT* . stumpwm/stumpwm#2#) (*ERR..
 27: ("foreign function: call_into_lisp")
 28: ("foreign function: new_thread_trampoline")

Please help, thanks in advance!

P.S. stumpwm was upgraded from 18.11.61.g4653857-1 to 18.11.81.gf6966ca-1

easbarba commented 5 years ago

Its usually a good idea to call modules in the end of your init.lisp file so it wont interfere loading all stumpwm builtin features.

As for the NIL error, im having that too. maybe something have changed in stumpwtray deps packages.

PuercoPop commented 5 years ago

The error is due to xembed::*timestamp* being nil when fdo-tray-send-manager-notification is called. It happens to me on one of my machines (Ubuntu 16.04) but not on the one with Ubuntu 18.04 🤷

If you insert (xembed:update-timestamp (tray-fpwin tray)) before sending the client message the error won't be signaled. But the tray still won't work. I haven't read up on xembed to properly understand what is going wrong though.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

I just removed stumpwm, and then re-installed it, but the problem is still there.

easbarba commented 5 years ago


Its not a StumpWM issue but on its module called StumpTray.

To solve that, one should inspect how that module call its deps.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

@alexanderbarbosa I agree that it seems to be a problem of StumpTray not StumpWM. I reinstalled StumpWM because I read that one need to remove StumpWM and install it again if quicklisp was installed after StumpWM. I re-installed quicklisp yesterday.

BTW, I just uninstalled xembed, and then installed it again by:

(ql:uninstall :xembed)
(ql:quickload :xembed)

But nothing changed. Is there a way in quicklisp to upgrade a package instead of uninstalling it and ql:quickload again?

PuercoPop commented 5 years ago

But nothing changed. Is there a way in quicklisp to upgrade a package instead of uninstalling it and ql:quickload again?

Run (ql:update-all-dists) and quickload the systems you want again. There is no need to uninstall them using (ql:uninstall ..). If you they have changed in the most recent quicklisp distribution they the would be 'auto upgraded'. If you are on the same distribution the same system would be installed.

But I don't think this is an issue with outdated dependency rather a bug in stumptray or xembed.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much @PuercoPop. What's the difference between (ql:update-all-dists) and (ql:update-dists)? I didn't see (ql:update-all-dists) mentioned at, is there a better documentation for quicklisp?

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

So, should this issue be moved to stumpwm-contrib repo? If so, could one of the maintainers move it?

PuercoPop commented 5 years ago

@YorkZ update-dist requires you to specify a distribution, update-all-dists doesn't. Although reading the documentation you linked to the recommended way to update would be (ql:update-dist "quicklisp"). Given that ne comers are unlikely to have installed a different distribution than the one quicklisp provided there is no meaningful difference between them.

The only quicklisp distribution I'm aware of is the one provided by the Radiance Web framework but that is out of scope of installing StumpWM.

The docs you listed are the best documentation of quicklisp I'm aware of. The only command I use occasionally that is not listed there is (ql:register-local-projects) so that documentation should cover you needs. If it doesn't don't hesitate to ask here or over irc.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

Thanks again for your explanation @PuercoPop . Hope this issue will get resolved soon.

easbarba commented 5 years ago


Compiling sbcl(upstream) anew fix stumptray error!

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

I just recompiled and installed StumpWM a46080, with stump-contrib at a077bf4. Nothing changed!

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

I just tried downgrading stumpwm to 4653857, and stumpwm-contrib to 5124950 (Those should be the two versions I used before things "break") I. But the problem was still exactly the same. The following is my archlinux PKGBUILD file:

# Contributor: Chris Dunder <echo Y2R1bmRlckBnbWFpbC5jb20K | base64 -d>
# Contributor: M Rawash <>
# Contributor: olvar <beren dot olvar (at) gmail dot com>
# Contributor: Andrew Antle <andrew dot antle at gmail dot com>
# Contributor: joyfulgirl <joyfulgirl (at)>
# Contributor: Jonathan Friedman <>
# Maintainer: Stefan Husmann <>

pkgdesc="A tiling, keyboard-driven window manager written in common lisp"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
conflicts=('stumpwm' 'stumpwm-contrib')
provides=('stumpwm' 'stumpwm-contrib')

source=(${_pkgname}::git+ stumpwm.desktop

makedepends=('common-lisp' 'cl-asdf' 'clx-git' 'cl-ppcre' 'cl-alexandria')
optdepends=('xorg-xprop: for stumpish (StumpWM Interactive Shell)'
            'rlwrap: for stumpish completion and history'
            'emacs: Edit and eval stumpwm code with M-x stumpwm-mode'
            'alsa-utils: for amixer.lisp (control audio volume)'
            'aumix: for aumix.lisp (control audio volume)'
            'mpd: for mpd.lisp (control the mpd)'
            'surfraw: for surfraw.lisp (surf the Internet)'
            'clx-truetype: for ttf-fonts.lisp (Xft fonts)')

# Binary will not run other
options=('!strip' '!makeflags')  # Thanks to sidereus for pointing this out

pkgver() {
  cd ${_pkgname}
  git describe --long --tags|tr - .


build() {
  cd ${_pkgname}

  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-module-dir=${_contribdest}

package() {
  cd ${_pkgname}

  make destdir="$pkgdir/" install

  install -Dm 644 sample-stumpwmrc.lisp \

  # contrib modules
  install -d "$pkgdir"/${_contribdest}
  cp -dr --no-preserve=ownership ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-contrib-git/* \

  # stumpish
  install -Dm755 "$pkgdir"/${_contribdest}/util/stumpish/stumpish \

  rm -rf "$pkgdir"/${_contribdest}/util/stumpish

  # emacs mode
  cd "$pkgdir"/${_contribdest}/util/swm-emacs
  install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/
  for _i in *.el 
    install -Dm644 ${_i} "$pkgdir"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/${_i}
  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/stumpwm.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/xsessions/stumpwm.desktop

I then downgraded stumpwm and stumpwm-contrib by running:

makepkg -s
sudo pacman -U stumpwm-git-18.11.61.g4653857-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

From my pacman log

[2019-08-10 22:50] [ALPM] upgraded sbcl (1.4.16-1 -> 1.5.3-1)

I did upgrad sbcl from 1.4.16-1 to 1.5.3-1, so I will try downgrading my sbcl. But before doing so, is there any other suggestions?

easbarba commented 5 years ago

I dont think your error has anything with sbcl or stumpwm, or even how arch builds stumpwm.

It can be fasl files(~/.cache/common-lisp), stumptray depencies update...

Would be interesting if you install Stumpwm dependencies locally with QuickLisp, then build, manually, StumpWM bin to another folder and call that bin instead the global one.

I recall contrib modules having conflicts with stumpwm early builds a few months ago.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago


Compiling sbcl(upstream) anew fix stumptray error!

Could you provide more details, for example, the git repo tag name etc.

I don't think your error has anything with sbcl or stumpwm, or even how arch builds stumpwm.

I agree those seem to be much less likely the cause. I listed the PKGBUILD file only to make sure no careless mistakes had been made along the way, and also give more details.

It can be fasl files(~/.cache/common-lisp), stumptray depencies update...

Interesting. There are two directories sbcl-1.4.16-linux-x64 and sbcl-1.5.3-linux-x64 under ~/.cache/common-lisp, I'm studying those to see if there's anything I can try about them. Could you also give me more details?

easbarba commented 5 years ago


a-sbcl-build ()
    echo " -- Building SBCL"

    echo " -- Cleaning"
    (rm -rf "$HOME_LOCAL_LIB/sbcl"
     rm -f "$HOME_LOCAL_BIN/sbcl"
     rm -rf "$XDG_DATA_HOME/doc/sbcl")

    (git clone git:// "$PROJECTS/lisp/sbcl"

     cd "$PROJECTS/lisp/sbcl" || echo "No $_ folder"
     git clean -fdx
     git pull

     export -n SBCL_HOME

     echo -e " -- Comping SBCL"
     sh --fancy --prefix="$HOME_LOCAL"

     export SBCL_HOME="$HOME_LOCAL_LIB/sbcl")

    echo -e " -- Done"

a-lisp-tools-build ()
    if [ ! -d "$HOME/quicklisp" ]; then

        echo -e " -- QuickLisp - Bootstrapping"

        cd "$HOME" || echo "No /tmp  /-__-\ "

        echo -e " -- Installing QuickLisp and StumpWM deps"
        $LISP --no-sysinit --no-userinit --load quicklisp.lisp \
              --eval '(quicklisp-quickstart:install :path "quicklisp")' \
              --eval "(ql:quickload '(:quicklisp-slime-helper :swank))" \
              --eval "(ql:quickload '(:clx  :cl-ppcre :alexandria))" \
              --eval "(ql:quickload '(:clx-truetype :xembed :xml-emitter))" \
              --eval "(ql:quickload '(:dbus :prove :swank))" \
              --eval '(uiop:quit)'

        echo -e " -- (DONE)"

a-stumpwm-build ()
    git clone "$HOME/Projects/lisp/stumpwm"
    git clone \

    cd "$PROJECTS/lisp/stumpwm" || echo "$_ folder do not exist"

    echo -e " -- Purging before Compiling"
    if [ -e ./Makefile ]; then
        make uninstall
        make clean
        git clean -fdx

    ./configure --prefix=$HOME_LOCAL
    make && make install

    echo -e " -- Done"
YorkZ commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much @alexanderbarbosa, I'll definitely try installing StupmWM locally instead of installing it system wide because StumpWM is in archlinux AUR, meaning that I have to rebuild and reinstall StumpWM each time if sbcl is upgraded. Now that I have to rebuild it, why not rebuild it locally in the HOME. However, I still feel more comfortable installing sbcl system wide. I noticed the latest sbcl version was 1.5.5, so I did a full system upgrade which brought the sbcl to 1.5.5. I then did the following in order:

  1. Rebuilt and re-installed cl-alexandria, clx-git.git, cl-ppcre.git and aumix system wide through AUR.
  2. Reinstalled quicklisp in my HOME, updated all the packages I installed in quicklisp.
  3. Rebuilt and reinstalled stumpwm and stumpwm-contrib from git master, through archlinux AUR

I monitored the directory ~/.cache/common-lisp, noticed that a new sub-directory called sbcl-1.5.5-linux-x64 was created. I then checked this directory, and found nothing unusual. Finally, unfortunately, the original problem was still there, nothing changes.

I think I'm going build and install system wide, through AUR, the latest sbcl from git master. If that still wouldn't make a difference, I'll downgrade sbcl to 1.4.16 to see if I would be any lucky.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

After a lot of experimentation, I finally got it back working, so the following was what I tried:

  1. sbcl from git master + stumpwm (with contrib) from git master: didn't work
  2. sbcl 1.4.16 + stumpwm (with contrib) from git master: didn't work
  3. sbcl 1.4.16 + stumpwm from git commit 4653857 + stumpwm contrib from git commit 5124950: didn't work
  4. sbcl 1.4.16 + stumpwm (with contrib) archlinux package I built on April 30, 2019: didn't work
  5. sbcl 1.4.16 + stumpwm (with contrib) archlinux package I built on April 30, 2019: didn't work + deleting the directory ~/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-1.4.16-linux-x64: WORKED!

@alexanderbarbosa Thank you very much for mentioning about the fasl cache. I'll try using sbcl 1.4.16 + stumpwm (with contrib) from git master + deleting the fasl cache.

easbarba commented 5 years ago


Good to know. Time to hack StumpWM, aint? :D

Its not that dificult to recompile sbcl and stumpwm with aid of scripts... take no more than 1 minute in my old t430! :D

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

@alexanderbarbosa, just did two more experiments:

  1. sbcl 1.4.16 + stumpwm (with contrib) from git master + deleting fasl cache: didn't work
  2. sbcl 1.4.16 + stumpwm from git commit 4653857 + stumpwm contrib from git commit 5124950 + deleting fasl cache: didn't work

While I'm pretty sure the stumpwm commit used in the package I built on Apr. 30 was 4653857, I'm not 100% sure whether the stumpwm contrib commit was 5124950 because this commit was not recorded in the AUR pkgver, unfortunately. Any chance to know exactly which commit it was?

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

Just tried sbcl 1.4.16 + stumpwm from git commit 4653857 + stumpwm contrib from git commit beac523 + deleting fasl cache, still didn't work. Any other stumpwm contrib commit to try? @alexanderbarbosa I'm pretty good at Emacs Lisp, but know very little about common lisp and stumpwm. Can you give me some suggestion as to where I can start if I have to hack StumpWM?

easbarba commented 5 years ago


That is so weird, you are unable to load stumptray correctly. I literally have no clue, what its about. What it is issuing now?

If you know your way with emacs-lisp, just skim through Paul Graham Ansi Common Lisp and Practical Common LIsp

Emacs Lisp and Common Lisp share a lot of their syntax inherited from MacLisp so its more about knowing in what they differ rather than knowing a new language!

You can make fixing that issue as your first Lisp adventure! :D

More at r/lisp and #lisp

PuercoPop commented 5 years ago

@YorkZ I'm pretty sure the issue you are running into is not due to the version you are running. StumpTray works on only one of my machines and in the other I run into the same issue you report. So you don't need to keep trying different versions.

I'm pretty good at Emacs Lisp, but know very little about common lisp and stumpwm. Can you give me some suggestion as to where I can start if I have to hack StumpWM?

I'm somewhat certain the issue is in how xembed generates the CurrentTime timestamp and that the that the bug is in either xembed or StumpTray.

After setting up Sly (or SLIME if you prefer) you can follow the instructions in the wiki to connect the process running StumpWM to a Sly REPL.

If you want to take a stab at this bug you should at least skim the relevant freedesktop specs to get a sense of how xembed and system trays work.

Besides #lisp@freenode which is great for general lisp questions, for StumpWM specific questions #stumpwm@freenode may be more helpful.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

This turns out to be a very complicated problem because there are many variables come into play:

  1. clx must be commit 4b9c202 (maybe 3b37000, cf81a5a or 8381835)
  2. stumpwm and stumpwm-contrib can be the latest (5e1abc5 and a077bf4 respectively at the time of this test). However, even though no errors show up, and the system tray appears, the application slack doesn't work properly. I.e., once inside the slack window, there's no way to switch to other window except exiting from slack.
  3. The only combination that "fully works" is: clx 4b9c202 + stumpwm 4653857 (For this test, the stumpwm-contrib is at master, i.e., a077bf4).

BTW, do I need to re-install quick lisp (in HOME) and re-install all the packages installed by quicklisp each time I install another sbcl version? (given that I delete the fasl cache each time).

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

@PuercoPop Just saw your message, and thank you very much for your help. I'll definitely follow your suggestions once I get some time, but I'm afraid I won't have any time for this in the next two weeks.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

Update: sbcl doesn't have to be 1.4.16. I'm now using 1.5.5 which still fully works which is really nice. I've updated my previous post which serves as a documentation. I'm pretty sure that clx is a key factor here.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

Further update: the latest stumpwm-contrib (a077bf4 so far) works. What makes real difference is stumpwm, more specifically, stumpwm 4653857 works, but not 5e1abc5. So, maybe we should still move this issue back to stumpwm? I will do bi-sect to find out the culprit :) when I have some time again.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

OK, finally, the bisect turns out that the commit 92922d4 in stumpwm introduced the problem.

bad @ 92922d49a5e66f7a0a71e21807a8bc416d335824
Author:     admich <>
AuthorDate: Sun May 26 10:55:02 2019 +0200
Commit:     admich <>
CommitDate: Sun May 26 10:55:02 2019 +0200

Parent:     4653857 Focus on click with sloppy mouse focus policy
Merged:     (no branch, bisect started on master)
Contained:  (no branch, bisect started on master) master
Follows:    18.11 (62)

Fix :configuration-notify event

Before this commit stumpwm send a :configuration-notify event to the
managed xwindow that doesn't take in account the border of the
xwindow, but only the position of the parent xwindow.

This is particular important for float windows where the border is not
zero by default and there is a high top border for title.

1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
window.lisp | 6 ++++--

modified   window.lisp
@@ -341,8 +341,10 @@ _NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION set"
   ;; Send a synthetic configure-notify event so that the window
   ;; knows where it is onscreen.
   (xwin-send-configuration-notify (window-xwin win)
-                                  (xlib:drawable-x (window-parent win))
-                                  (xlib:drawable-y (window-parent win))
+                                  (+ (xlib:drawable-x (window-parent win))
+                                     (xlib:drawable-x (window-xwin win)))
+                                  (+ (xlib:drawable-y (window-parent win))
+                                     (xlib:drawable-y (window-xwin win)))
                                   (window-width win) (window-height win) 0))

 ;; FIXME: should we raise the window or its parent?

Hope this will be fixed soon.

admich commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem but my experimentation have found that the problem is in clx and not in stumpwm.

The problem have started with the upgrade of quicklisp to version 2019-08-13.

I solved the problem changing clx version using the commit 8381835.

So the problem seems due to commit bef2661 of clx.

easbarba commented 5 years ago

@admich yep, ive noticed that after quicklisp update some package broken, but after cleaning everything and recompiling it all, sbcl included, somewhat fixed that issue!

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

@admich Like I said previously:

clx must be commit 4b9c202 (maybe 3b37000, cf81a5a or 8381835)

However, with the clx version prior to bef2661, stumpwm commit 92922d4 still doesn't work properly. Even though you may not see any error message, if you use Slack, you will find that the problem is so serious that Slack becomes literally unusable. So I hope you could test it with Slack.

My feeling is that the problem is in both clx and stumpwm 92922d4. Either way, this problem seems to have nothing to do with stumpwm-contrib. Therefore, I think it should be moved back to stumpwm.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

@admich I'm now pretty sure that the problem is in both clx and stumpwm commit 92922d4. What happens is that when switching to the Slack window, the window size and position was wrong. The window should be maximized, but it was instead being "moved" towards the right side and down side, occupying the entire bottom right part of the screen, covering half of the mode line. I noticed that your commit seemed to have adjusted the window position and size, so IMO, it's very much like this commit is placing the window in the wrong position in some cases. I'm wondering if would be possible for you to install the Slack and try it out yourself? I wanted to post a screenshot here, but my Slack screen is full of my company team members' names and conversation. Therefore, I'm sorry I really can't post it here. Please let me know if you need my help.

admich commented 5 years ago

@YorkZ what is Slack and how install it. I use arch linux.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

@admich Slack is an instant messaging software widely used by many R&D teams. A few teams in our company, for example, use Slack at work to ask questions, exchange ideas and opinions etc. In the team I'm working for (a software and hardware development team), we use Slack extensively, and almost never use email. You can read more about this software on, and download Slack from

admich commented 5 years ago

I think that I have a solution for the problem due to commit bef2661 of clx. This commit enforce some type checking in clx and so produce errors but the problem is not in clx but in clx-xembed that sometimes use a nil value instead of an (unsigned-int 32). I modify clx-xembed in:

If you think that my modifications are right I will made a PR on the main repo of clx-xembed.

About the stumpwm commit 92922d4 I don't have any problem.

@YorkZ I installed Slack but without an account I only start the application, I see icon in the systemtray without problem. The commit change only one function update-configuration, try to see with some (log:error .... . when it's called and what are the value of (xlib:drawable-x (window-parent win)) and (xlib:drawable-x (window-xwin win)) inside the function.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

@admich Thank you for your help. But I really doubt that clx-xembed sometimes using a nil value instead of an unsigned-int is causing the Slack window not showing up properly, because I haven't seen the "using nil value" error message since using clx 8381835 or earlier. I guess the nil value problem might be another bug though. Slack provides free account, so I'm wondering if it would be possible for you to register a free Slack account. And, yes, the Slack icon is on the tray, but the Slack window doesn't show up at the correct position with the correct size. Also, once you open up the Slack window, you won't be able to switch to other window, and your only choice is to exit Slack altogether. I can try your commit in clx-xembed, but maybe later when I get some time.

YorkZ commented 5 years ago

Hi @admich, my apology I missed that you mentioned in your previous message that you used archlinux. So since you use archlinux, I would install Slack from AUR to have it managed by pacman. This is how I installed Slack on my archlinux:

  git clone
  cd slack-desktop
  makepkg -sic
PuercoPop commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem but my experimentation have found that the problem is in clx and not in stumpwm.

@admich Commit bef2661 wouldn't introduce a bug, as all it does is change the compiler optimization settings, but reveal its presence. This would also explain why I only encounter the bug on one machine and not in the other. As one the one I encounter it I restrict-compiler-policy to a minimum of 1, for safety, and 3 for debug.

Thanks for the PR fixing the bug!

OrionRandD commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am facing this stumptray unsigned byte32 error. And stumptray does not show up anymore. I installed stumpwm from github and also sbcl and quicklisp from there. I am running the latest versions on my debian box Could you make a step-by-step tuto on fixing this bug? I have installed stumpwm about 4 times. Everything works fine, but stumptray By the way I have read the treads and came across with this slack. I have qtox < >, wire < >, riot-web < > and another one that I do not remember the name now.

admich commented 5 years ago

@OrionRandD The problem is the version of clx-xembed that is shipped with quicklisp.
I made some little modifications and they are here: I made a PR to the main repo: but until it is not merged and a new quicklisp version is released (each month), you need to use the version of clx-xembed in my github. Because you have installed stumpwm from github, I immagine that you know how to do it, anyway:

  1. go to a directory where quicklisp/asdf can find the asdf-systems like ~/common-lisp or ~/quicklisp/local-project. $ cd ~/common-lisp
  2. clone my repow $ git clone
  3. Try again stumpwm with stumptray
  4. If you still have problems try to clean the common-lisp cache ~/.cache/common-lisp
OrionRandD commented 5 years ago

On Tue, Sep 03, 2019 at 11:22:31PM -0700, admich wrote:

Many, many thanks for your fix! It worked greatly. I just deleted the contents of


and placed your "" contents inside that.


[1]@OrionRandD The problem is the version of clx-xembed that is shipped with quicklisp. I made some little modifications and they are here: [2] I made a PR to the main repo: [3] but until it is not merged and a new quicklisp version is released (each month), you need to use the version of clx-xembed in my github. Because you have installed stumpwm from github, I immagine that you know how to do it, anyway:

  1. go to a directory where quicklisp/asdf can find the asdf-systems like ~/common-lisp or ~/quicklisp/local-project. $ cd ~/common-lisp
  2. clone my repow $ git clone
  3. Try again stumpwm with stumptray
  4. If you still have problems try to clean the common-lisp cache ~/.cache/common-lisp

    — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, [4]view it on GitHub, or [5]mute the thread.


admich commented 5 years ago

@OrionRandD It's not necessary to delete $HOME/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/clx-xembed-20190307-git contents and replace with mine. In this way in the future if you forgot what you have done you will think that you have the quicklisp version of clx-xembed

The directory $HOME/quicklisp/local-project is just for this kind of things. You can clone my repo there and quickload will load my version.

easbarba commented 4 years ago

@admich Yes, it fixes the NIL issue. Thanks!

YorkZ commented 4 years ago

Just updated clx, stump-wm, stump-wm-controb, Slack and clx-xembed to the latest. Confirmed that everything works now. Thanks @admich.

admich commented 4 years ago

With november release of quicklisp the clx-xembed include my changes. So it is no more necessary to use a local version.

easbarba commented 4 years ago

@admich At last, thanks!