stumpwm / stumpwm-contrib

Extension Modules for StumpWM
228 stars 137 forks source link

** How to write a module *** General guidelines

An example =asd= file looks like:


(asdf:defsystem #:swm-new-module :serial t :description "Describe swm-new-module here" :author "Guy Steele" :license "GPLv3" :depends-on (#:stumpwm) :components ((:file "package") (:file "swm-emacs"))) ; any other files you make go here


A =package.lisp= looks like:


(defpackage #:swm-new-module (:use #:cl :stumpwm))


From here you can commence hacking. When you're ready, advertise it to the world!

[[][More docs here]]. ** Loading a module Loading a module can usually be done in your =~/.stumpwmrc= for a module =module-name= using:

+begin_src lisp

(load-module "module-name")


Please see files for each module for further details. Missing module dependencies, can be installed with:

+begin_src lisp

(ql:quickload "notify")


Don't edit anything below this line, the script will blow it away


** Media