stuyy / expressjs-full-course

Express API featuring Authentication, OAuth2, Sessions, Testing, and more.
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expressjs nodejs

Express JS Full Course Source Code

This repository contains the Express API built from my Express JS Full Course video. All of the code written in the video course can be found here.




Note: You will need MongoDB running locally on your machine.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run start:dev
  4. Server will connect to MongoDB & run on Port 3000.


Q: Why are the files .mjs and not .js?

.mjs is the file extension for Javascript code written in an ESM Module. You know how Node.js by default doesn't allow you to use import and export statements? That's because the default module system Node uses is CommonJS. In order to use those modern syntactic keywords, you must set your project type to be module. See the package.json.

Q: Why are we using babel?

Babel is only used for Unit Tests & E2E tests. The rest of the application does not get transpiled with Babel.

As of right now (12/20/2023), Jest only supports ES Modules experimentally. One major issue I found using Jest with experimental flags was jest not properly mocking ES modules. I have tried looking into using mocha or jasmine, unfortunately, module mocking is not something they support out of the box. After some trial and error, I realized the best solution would be to configure babel for jest to transform all .mjs modules using babel-jest, allowing Jest to run the code in a way it can interpret it. That way, the project can continue to use ES modules and I would not need to change it to CommonJS and all of the import & export statements to require & module.exports.

Note: I am open to better alternatives, if you know of a better solution, let me know by opening an issue.

Q: What is createApp.mjs?

I created this file towards the end of the course to setup integration tests. This was required because I needed to be able to export the Express app instance into the test files, without importing other code that performs side effects, such as the connection to the database or the app.listen call, both inside the src/index.mjs file.

How can I use another OAuth2 Provider? Such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

  1. Create a separate file inside the src/strategies folder, call it [provider-name]-strategy.mjs, e.g: google-strategy.mjs

  2. Go to the provider's platform's developer console, and create a Developer Application. You want to make sure the Application is an OAuth Client or provides an OAuth Client.

  3. When configuring the OAuth Client, be sure to set a Redirect URI. This is for the platform to redirect back to your web server.

  4. Set any scopes that your application needs. This allows your application to retrieve the necessary private information of the user authenticating in to your app!

  5. Once the OAuth Client application is created, be sure to copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

    Note: The Client Secret MUST be kept private on the server!

  6. Install the correct passport strategy. Go to and search for the strategy for the OAuth2 Provider you are using.

    e.g: If you are using Google, then you'd want passport-google

  7. Use the strategies/discord-strategy.mjs file as a starter template. Most of the code in there will be the same, with some modification. You need to import the Strategy class from the strategy you installed. If you're using Google, then you would import Strategy from passport-google-oauth20.

    e.g: import { Strategy } from 'passport-google-oauth20'

  8. Replace the clientID, clientSecret, callbackURL, and scope in the Strategy Options object passed to the Strategy constructor with your own provider's OAuth client values.

For all further questions, you may reach out to me via Email You can also join my Community Discord Server and receive extensive help with programming related questions. Link to Discord.