stxnext-csr / volontulo

Web portal for collaboration of community volunteers with organizations and institutions.
MIT License
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Web portal for collaboration of community volunteers with organizations and institutions.

Semi-automated Project Set Up

Install system dependecies

sudo bin/install_dependencies

Setup virtualenv, python packages, run migration and gulp.


Activate virtualenv.

source env/bin/activate

Django commands

python COMMAND

Manual Project Set Up

Usage of virtualenv is recommended. Assuming you use Virtualenvwrapper:

mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages venv_name

To install project dependencies use pip and choose the correct file (production, development, etc.)

pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Copy the Local Configuration file:

cp etc/local_config.yaml.sample local_config.yaml
vim local_config.yaml

Fill the Local Configuration Values. To generate "secret_key", you can use head -c 64 /dev/urandom | base64 -w 0 For Windows users may be used simple:

python -c "import uuid; print str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')"

If the site is supposed to be served under different domain than or and you are not in development environment, fill the "allowed_host" value. Otherwise it can be left blank.

Gulp Instalation

Gulp is used to prepare and serve all static files into /apps/volontulo/static/volontulo so Django can use them

cd /apps/volontulo
npm install

Windows can have problems with unix paths, so it is practical to install Gulp globally (with sudo on linux)

npm install -g gulp

Using Gulp

In development

gulp watch


gulp build

To convert svg icons to base64 format that ultimately is compiled to CSS, use:

gulp build_icons

Icons in .svg format should be placed at \volontulo\apps\volontulo\frontend\icons\.
That will allow their usage in SCSS like so: @extend %asterisk-icon; as an element background.

Running the App in development mode

Choose the appriopriate settings file
Run server

python runserver

Now you able to access the development site: http://localhost:8000

Running tests

To run the project tests:

python test -v 3

Initial admin credentials