subfission / cas

Simple CAS Authentication for Laravel 5 - 10.
MIT License
151 stars 70 forks source link
cas cas-authentication laravel laravel-5-package php php7


Simple CAS Authentication for Laravel 6-11.x.

This version of CAS, or Central Authentication Service, is designed to integrate with Laravel 6-11 projects that need to implement SSO.
Older version of Laravel may work, but are untested. This package was built for my necessity but can be easily used for anyone requiring CAS/SAML SSO in Laravel 6+. This package is different in mindset as the goal in this project is to be as minimal as possible while offering as much flexibility as needed.

This package offers and abstraction of Apereo CAS (phpCAS), a cross platform and open-source CAS client and server provider. Be sure to check them out if you intend to implement an SSO service other than AD.

Check out the wiki for further details.


Release 5.0.0

Release 4 and earlier