subhadipbhowmik / 30-Days-Of-CPP

30 days of CPP programming challenge is a step by step guide to learn CPP programming language in 30 days. Happy Coding.
MIT License
48 stars 138 forks source link
30dayscodechallenge 30daysofcode 30daysofcpp coding-challenge cpp cpp-programming

30 Days of CPP

Welcome to the 30 Days of CPP challenge! 30 days of CPP programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn CPP programming language in 30 days. visit the 30-days-of-cpp to learn more about the project.


What is 30 Days of CPP?

30 Days of CPP is a programming challenge designed to help individuals enhance their proficiency in C++ by solving daily coding problems, implementing algorithms, and exploring various aspects of the language.


Contributor's Guide 🧑🏻‍💻

We appreciate your interest in contributing. 💐 This guide will help you get started with the project and make your first contribution.


🌟 Creating Your First Pull Request

  1. Star this repository.

  2. Fork this repository.

  3. Clone the forked repository:

    git clone<your-github-username>/30-Days-Of-CPP.git

    If you have already forked the project, update your copy before working:

    git remote update
  4. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd 30-Days-Of-CPP
  5. Set an upstream with the parent repository and local repository:

    git remote add upstream

    If you have altered it, you have to rebase it:

    git rebase upstream/<branch_name>
  6. Create a new branch:

    git checkout -b <your_branch_name>

    Branch name example: feature/added-day1-content or, bug/search-not-working

  7. Make changes. Do the Necessary changes in the code or files.

  8. Stage your changes and commit:

    git add .
    git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"
  9. Push your local commits to the remote repo:

    git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
  10. Create a Pull Request.

    • Go to your forked repository on GitHub.
    • Click on the "Compare & pull request" button.
    • Write a title and description for your pull request.
    • Click on the "Create pull request" button.
    • Important: Make sure to mention the issue number in the pull request description. For example, "Fixes #1".
    • Note: Do not close the issue until it is approved.
  11. Congratulations! 🎉 you've made your contribution. Line

📝 Project Overview

Learn About Our Project

If you want to learn more about our project, you can visit our Learn Page


If you would like to contribute additional exercises, improvements, or corrections to existing code, feel free to open a pull request. Your contributions are highly appreciated! Read the file for more information.

Happy coding!


Thanks to Our Contributors 🌟


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.