sublimator / EditPreferences

Helper commands for working with sublime package assets/preferences. ST3 only.
MIT License
32 stars 4 forks source link

=== Description ===

Some commands for Sublime Text 3 (NOT 2!) to list shortcut keys / preferences etc in the QuickPanel and navigate to edit location on selection.

=== 2000 Words ===



=== How to insert a binding repr in the Quick Panel ===

Copy from the Default.sublime-keymap.template the last line that contains a multitude of bindings with insert_binding_repr and place it in your User keymap.

So how would you insert alt+q? You can think of it like this:

* PRESS `alt` and hold it down
* PRESS `=` while thinking PLUS then lift all fingers
* PRESS `q`

Note that on a standard US keyboard = is on the same key as + (plus) You can't bind to just a modifier like alt, so plus seems a resaonable key/mnemonic.

In sublime {"keys": [...]} terms previous exmaple would be:

* PRESS `["alt+="]`
* PRESS `["q"]`

The following bindings show how it works. Note the expecting_binding_repr_mode key.

{{{ {"args": {"val": "alt"}, "command": "insert_binding_repr", "context": [{"key": "overlay_visible", "operand": true, "operator": "equal"}, {"key": "setting.expecting_binding_repr_mode", "operand": false, "operator": "equal"}], "keys": ["alt+="]} }}}

{{{ {"args": {"val": "q"}, "command": "insert_binding_repr", "context": [{"key": "overlay_visible", "operand": true, "operator": "equal"}, {"key": "setting.expecting_binding_repr_mode", "operand": true, "operator": "equal"}], "keys": ["q"]} }}}

So how would you insert ctrl+alt+q? (In sublime terms)

* PRESS `ctrl+alt+=`
* PRESS `q`

=== Help? You can't insert_binding_repr for down|enter|up ? ===

Unfortunately, some bindings don't work as the second key due to the quickpanel swallowing them:

* <enter>
* <up>
* <down>
* and others ...

The workaround is to type the first letter of the key you desire, eg:

* type `e` for <enter> to insert `alt+e` then type `nter`
* type `u` for <up> to insert `alt+u` then type `p`
* type `d` for <down>  to insert `alt+d` then type `own`

=== Command Palette ===

{{{ [ { "caption": "Edit Preference: List Settings", "command": "list_settings"}, { "caption": "Edit Preference: List Plugins Commands", "command": "list_commands" }, { "caption": "Edit Preference: List Shortcut Keys", "command": "list_shortcut_keys"}, { "caption": "Edit Preference: List Menu Bindings", "command": "list_menu_bindings"},

{ "caption": "Edit Preference: Theme",
  "command": "edit_package_files",
  "args": {"pref_type": "sublime-theme"}},

{ "caption": "Edit Preference: sublime-completions",
  "command": "edit_package_files",
  "args": {"pref_type": "sublime-completions"}},

{ "caption": "Edit Preference: sublime-build",
  "command": "edit_package_files",
  "args": {"pref_type": "sublime-build"}},

{ "caption": "Edit Preference: sublime-mousemap",
  "command": "edit_package_files",
  "args": {"pref_type": "sublime-mousemap"}},

{ "caption": "Edit Preference: sublime-menu",
  "command": "edit_package_files",
  "args": {"pref_type": "sublime-menu"}},

{ "caption": "Edit Preference: tmTheme|colorscheme",
  "command": "edit_package_files",
  "args": {"pref_type": ".*\\.(tmTheme|stTheme)$"}},

{ "caption": "Edit Preference: tmLanguage|syntax|grammar",
  "command": "edit_package_files",
  "args": {"pref_type": ".*\\.((tm|st)Language)$"}},

{ "caption": "Edit Preference: sublime-commands",
  "command": "edit_package_files",
  "args": {"pref_type": "sublime-commands"}}

] }}}

=== TODO ===

Set cyclic tab key for auto complete