This repo provides data for the DARPA Subterranean Challenge Tunnel Circuit, including:
ground truth data for Artifact types and locations
point cloud scans of the Experimental and Safety Research mines/courses at NIOSH in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
information about the topological network structure of the course (see network
Note: Urban Circuit ground truth is available in the following repository:
Tunnel_Artifact_Ground_Truth.xlsx -- Spreadsheet listing each Artifact; its type; and x,y,z location in the relevant DARPA coordinate frame for each course (Experimental / Safety Research) and configuration (A / B).
Tunnel_Artifact_Map.pdf -- Pdf format map showing approximate Artifact locations within each course.
Tunnel_Fiducials_Ground_Truth.xlsx -- Spreadsheet listing reference frame fiducials for each course and a transformation matrix for each that approximately aligns the DARPA frame with UTM.
Tunnel_Circuit_LowRes_Scan_EX_Frame.pcd -- Point cloud of the EX and SR courses, defined in the DARPA Cartesian coordinate frame for the Experimental course.
-- Directory containing course topology and description.
The two courses may be visualized as point clouds with artifact markers using ROS and RViz. This package depends on ROS and the pcl_ros
package to build.
To visualize the point clouds and artifact locations, run roslaunch tunnel_ground_truth view.launch
. Pass with arguments, e.g., course:=ex config:=a
to visualize artifact locations for a particular course and configuration. Course may be ex
or sr
. Config may be a
or b
Surveyed scan data is provided in a single file for both courses.
When using the view.launch file, the point cloud is provided in the ex
coordinate frame with transformations between ex
, sr
, and utm
frames provided
on the /tf_static ROS topic. These coordinate frames are defined as follows:
= the DARPA Cartesian coordinate frame for the Experimental course
= the DARPA Cartesian coordinate frame for the Safety Research course
= a Cartesian coordinate frame, defined by UTM zone 17N
Point Cloud Flythrough
Matterport Viewer:
Matterport Files:
Environment Preview:
High-resolution and Medium-resolution Course Point Clouds
If you have any questions or comments about this repository, please contact: