subtleGradient / javascript-tools.tmbundle

Essential Tools for developing Javascript in TextMate
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Validation Errors should move cursor to error line #11

Closed ProLoser closed 12 years ago

ProLoser commented 12 years ago

In PHP, if you validate the file and syntax errors are found, the cursor jumps to the problematic line. Also it would be nice if a list of line numbers and/or errors was shown in the tooltip as I tend to miss the errors a lot)

subtleGradient commented 12 years ago

I've thought about that, but I think it could be annoying.

If you want that you can use one of the Validate with … actions in the menu.

ProLoser commented 12 years ago

If I wanted to do this myself, how wouldst one go about doing this?

subtleGradient commented 12 years ago

Just pop open the bundle editor. It's all pretty self evident. Some of the code it runs isn't visible though, so open the bundle from the filesystem too.