subtleGradient / javascript-tools.tmbundle

Essential Tools for developing Javascript in TextMate
602 stars 53 forks source link

How to install

  1. [Get with **GitHub for Mac**]( "GitHub for Mac")

  2. Clone it to your ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles
  3. In TextMate choose the menu item… Bundles / Bundle Editor / Reload Bundles
  4. If node is not installed in your PATH, go to TextMate → Preferences → Advanced → Shell Variables and add /usr/local/bin, basically the path to where node lives on your machine (which node).

  1. Click the "Download Source" button.
  2. Unzip the download
  3. Rename the folder to JavaScript-tools.tmbundle
  4. Double-click
  5. TextMate handles the rest!

NOTE: These docs are now a little out-of-date.

JavaScript Tools TextMate Bundle


Opens this help file.

Run JavaScript (⌘R)

Attempts to run the current javascript document or selection in TextMate's Web Preview window.

JavaScript Lint

With JavaScript Lint, you can check all your JavaScript source code for common mistakes without actually running the script or opening the web page.

Formatting / Compression
