suchja / awesome-qt-snake

A portfolio and learning project show casing my OOP, OOAD, Qt6 and C++ skills.
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Hello (again) Qt and C++ World

Its been a while since my last contact with C++ and I've never made a deep dive into Qt. Although I had some contact. Now is the time to visit this world again and see whether it thrills me enough to work as a C++ developer. This project should serve the following purposes:

  1. Get to know the current version of Qt and its ecosystem
  2. See how quickly my rusty C++ skills become active again
  3. Show how I usually develop (as far as that is possible with such a simple example)
  4. Document my "learnings" (based on the Today I Learned (TIL) approach as seen by Josh Branchaud)

In order to figure out some of the basic technology, a spike was developed to test certain aspects. Once this project reaches Milestone v0.5 the spike will be deleted as it is a throw away prototype.


Functional Requirements

Based on my believe that a software's primary purpose it to provide value to its user (e.g. simplify repetitive tasks for the user or provide some entertainment in this case), the functional requirements are defined as user stories. Looking into user stories I agree with this article from John Hayse:

A user story is a story your team can tell about being a user of your product.

Therefore I'm using the issue Tale of a snake - a "real" user story as a definition of the functional requirements.

Non-Functional Requirements (NFR)

Often non-functional requirements are expressed as user stories as well. I somehow don't like that approach, because non-functional requirements are often not expressed by the user.

So the NFRs for this simple (or maybe not that simple) project are as follows:

Workflow / Development Lifecycle

As stated in the previous section, one purpose of this project is to show case my way of tackling a development task. For this project I decided to go with some agility in mind:

Design Decisions

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) as core pattern

As already stated a simple example like this should be implemented in a simple way. However, I also have the requirement to show and test some of my knowledge (see NFR-3 and NFR-4 in Non-Functional Requirements). Therefore I decided to use the MVVM pattern to provide a general structure. I know this pattern well from .NET. It seems like it is also applied frequently in Qt Quick. Additionally it is geared towards an "easy" replacement of its parts. So NFR-3 - Extensibility (UI) should greatly benefit from this decision. Here is a first idea how it might look like:

graph TD

    subgraph WidgetApp
        subgraph View
            MainWindow -->|contains/draws| GameBoardView
        subgraph ViewModel
            MainWindow --> GameViewModel
            GameBoardView --> GameViewModel

    subgraph SnakeCore Library
        subgraph Model
            FoodGenerator[FoodGenerator - class]
            Game --> Snake
            Game --> FoodGenerator

    GameViewModel --> Game

Dependency on Qt in MVVM

From my understanding of MVVM the Model should contain all the business logic. Thus it usually has a long lifecycle and should not use technology which might change within a few years. Therefore I would argue that it shouldn't depend on Qt. Although it is porbably a company decision to depend on a framework like Qt, this might change over the years. If the core business logic is then dependend on it, it needs to be revised as well. Anyhow, Qt offers the signals/slots as well as the "garbage collection" and thus I decided to use Qt::Core as the basis for the SnakeCore library. That means all classes within the library will inherit from QObject. Maybe later on I can remove certain dependencies, if it shows to be obsolete.

Injecting ViewModel into View via setViewModel method

Here I'll not use any Dependency Injection Container or something like that. Usually I then use the constructor to inject the dependencies. However, here I'm using a dedicated method on the View to inject the dependency to the ViewModel. I would argue that it will have the following benefits:

  1. Flexibility in Initialization: By using a setter method (setViewModel), you decouple the instantiation of the ViewModel from the View itself. This separation allows you to initialize and set the ViewModel independently of creating the View.
  2. Late Binding: The setViewModel method supports late binding, meaning you can change the ViewModel instance associated with a View dynamically at runtime if required. - Although I'm not sure whether this is required here at all.
  3. Separation of Concerns: The constructor of View should ideally focus on initializing its own internal components and setting up basic functionality. Handling the ViewModel assignment through a setter method keeps the constructor cleaner.

As I'm not that familiar with this way of injection, it is more like a try. I'll need to come back later on and see whether this really holds true and improves the overall design. Additionally this so far takes only Qt Widget into account. I'll see how things work in Qt Quick, once I've completed the widget way.