suchmememanyskill / CYD-Klipper

An implementation of a wireless Klipper status display on an ESP32 + screen
GNU General Public License v3.0
206 stars 25 forks source link
esp32 klipper moonraker screen

GitHub release (with filter) Donations


An implementation of a wireless Klipper status display on an ESP32 + screen. Uses Moonraker to fetch data.

A simple and cheap solution to use a dedicated screen with Klipper, a 3d printing Firmware.


Required hardware

A ESP32-2432S028R is required to run this project. You can find out where to buy these on the "ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display" repository.



There is a web-based installer available. This is only supported on Chrome, Edge, Arc or Opera, and only on Desktop.

On initial install, all data should be wiped. On updates, data should be able to be kept without issues.

When there is an update available, a button in the settings will appear that can be pressed to update. If automatic updates are preferred, there is a toggle in the settings to automatically update. This will right after connecting to wifi update the screen.


If you found this project helpful, please consider a donation to my Ko-Fi. It would help out a lot in the development of this project, due to the need to buy the screens.

Thank you!


(Quite literally shots of the screen. I'm sorry)

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