sudoharun / dotfiles

Another Arch Linux + Hyprland Configuration
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Hyprland Dotfiles by sudo-harun

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Modernish (VERY VERY WIP!!!)

Desktop bar + notification popup

Retro-esque: Another Hyprland Config

Desktop (All eww)

Screenshooter (embedded into the bar)

Powermenu (embedded into the bar)

Another Gruvbox Hyprland Config

Desktop (bar made with eww)

Control Center (made with eww)


Screenshooter (made with eww)

Powermenu (made with eww)

A Generic Hyprland Config

Desktop (bar made with eww)


Screenshooter (made with eww)

Powermenu (made with eww)

Other stuff I use

To create custom themes, I use pywal. You can install it with the command below (Arch Linux only using yay):

yay -S python-pywal