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Sugar Labs Turtle Art Day Website
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Turtle Art Day

What is Turtle Art?

Every child can place puzzle blocks together. In a Turtle Art program the blocks tell a turtle to move about on screen, and to draw lines and arcs in different colors. A sequence of blocks is code that describes a piece of art.

Some blocks can create patterns by repeating sequences of other blocks, or can make logical decisions. This kind of programming is inspired by the programming language LOGO. It was designed in the 1970s to be easy enough for kids and powerful enough for all ages to have fun. We can learn about geometry and programming while creating art.

Today Turtle Art is used by thousands of people around the world, especially in countries where schools use the Sugar learning platform.

What is Turtle Art Day?

Turtle Art Day is an international celebration of Turtle Art. Events are held around the world where people share their projects and experiences.

Each Turtle Art Day event is different. In different parts of the world, organizers plan different events for different audiences.

No matter whether you are an experienced or new to the community, Turtle Art Day is a great way to have fun making art with computers!

When is the next Turtle Art Day?

In August 2018 we know of events being planned in:


Check out these famous Turtle Artists from different countries around the world:

Brian Silverman

Artemis Papert

Trinidad Guzman

Examples of Turtle Art

Find more on social media with the hashtag #TurtleArtDay

How To Learn Turtle Art

The Turtle Cards game is designed for learning to make Turtle Art that is fun and easy

More tutorials can be found at Sugar Labs and

How To Run An Event

You can design and facilitate different types of activities for the Turtle Art Day. For example, you can organize:

If you organize an event, share photos, videos and projects with us and we'll feature them on this website!

This guide is designed to help with event design, providing several resources you may need when making a successful event. In this guide you will find:

Here is a collection of materials, from basic logos to finished posters, that you can use for your event. For example, you can make simple gifts to give to participants at the end of the day.

About This Site

Turtle Art Day is a project of Sugar Labs.

Sugar Labs® is a volunteer-driven member project of Software Freedom Conservancy, a nonprofit corporation. Originally part of the One Laptop Per Child project, Sugar Labs coordinates volunteers around the world who are passionate about providing educational opportunities to children through the Sugar Learning Platform. Sugar Labs® is supported by donations and is seeking funding to accelerate development.

To make a donation, please get in contact with us via the IAEP mailing list

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