sujay1599 / InstagramTheftyScraperPosterHuman

InstagramTheftyScraperPosterHuman is an advanced tool for automating the process of scraping, uploading, and managing Instagram reels. This tool builds upon previous versions, introducing several enhancements and new functionalities to improve automation, human-like interactions, and bot detection prevention.
MIT License
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affiliate automation automationinterface bot instagram instagram-api instagram-bot memefi-bot poster python3 scraper story uploader

InstagramTheftyScraperPosterHuman - Version 3.2.1


InstagramTheftyScraperPosterHuman is a bot designed for automating the scraping, posting, and management of Instagram reels with added features to simulate human-like actions. This tool enables scraping reels from specified Instagram profiles, uploading them with customizable descriptions and hashtags, and mimicking real user behaviors like liking, following, and commenting on posts.

Version 3.2.1 - September 23rd, 2024

Key Features and Enhancements

  1. Version Control and Cleanup:

    • The bot now reflects version 3.2.1, which includes cleaning up and
  2. Session and Configuration Management:

    • Sessions and configuration files are stored in dedicated directories (user_sessions/ and configs/), making multi-account management seamless.
    • Credentials are securely encrypted using Fernet encryption and saved in YAML configuration files.
  3. Human-Like Behavior Simulation:

    • Refined human-like behaviors such as random interactions (likes, comments, follows) to avoid detection.
    • Reels are scraped at intervals, with human-like delays and randomized actions, simulating natural usage patterns.
  4. Rate Limit Handling:

    • Enhanced handling of Instagram rate limits and re-logins when required. The bot employs exponential backoff and session re-authentication to ensure stable performance.
  5. File Management and Logging:

    • All relevant logs (e.g., scraping and uploading activities) are saved in config_setup.log, making it easier to debug and track the bot's actions.
    • Improved management of session cookies and automatic initialization of necessary JSON files (status.json, random-upload-times.json).
  6. Scraping and Uploading:

    • Scrape reels: Reels are scraped from profiles at user-defined intervals. New scraping methods ensure no duplicates and better media handling.
    • Uploading reels: The bot now uploads reels with customizable descriptions, hashtags, and optional Instagram Story uploads.
  7. Dashboard:

    • The bot includes a dashboard that provides real-time updates on scraping, uploading, and bot status.

Why Version 3.2.1 is Better Than 3.2.0

  1. Streamlined Codebase:

    • In version 3.2.1, we cleaned up and, removing unnecessary comments and redundant code. This results in a more efficient and easier-to-maintain codebase.
  2. Improved Human-like Actions:

    • Version 3.2.1 introduced more randomized human-like actions, making the bot’s behavior even more realistic. The updated ensures that actions like liking, following, and commenting are more randomized, reducing the chances of detection.
  3. Better Error Handling:

    • The latest version includes improved error handling during scraping and uploading processes. Errors are now logged more clearly, and the bot retries certain actions before giving up, enhancing stability.
  4. Enhanced Session Management:

    • Updates in and have improved session management. Now, the bot better handles session cookies, ensuring that session information is retained between restarts. Re-login functionality has also been enhanced to prevent disruptions caused by expired sessions.
  5. Rate Limit Handling:

    • The new version refines rate limit handling, ensuring smoother operations even when Instagram enforces rate limits. With exponential backoff and retry mechanisms, 3.2.1 is more robust in handling rate-limited scenarios.
  6. Configurable Deletion Intervals:

    • Version 3.2.1 provides more flexibility with the option to configure reel deletion intervals, ensuring that old reels are deleted on time, keeping storage usage under control.
  7. Optimized Uploading Logic:

    • The bot now incorporates retries during reel uploads in case of failure. With the improved, re-login attempts are made seamlessly when required, reducing downtime caused by session expiration.
  8. User Experience and Feedback:

    • Visual feedback during scraping, uploading, and random wait periods has been improved. The progress bar feature now gives users a clearer idea of the bot’s current actions and status, making it more user-friendly.



1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd InstagramTheftyScraperPosterHuman

2. Install Required Packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Run the Configuration Setup


The setup process will guide you through entering your Instagram credentials and configuring scraping, uploading, and other settings.

4. Run the Bot

Once the configuration is complete, you can run the bot:



The bot’s configuration is stored in a USERNAME_config.yaml file, generated after running the script. This file holds settings for Instagram credentials, scraping, uploading, descriptions, and more.

Example USERNAME_config.yaml:

  enabled: true
  profiles: profile1 profile2
  num_reels: 10
  scrape_interval_minutes: 60
  like_reels: true
  enabled: true
  upload_interval_minutes: 30
  add_to_story: true
  use_original: true
    - "Custom description 1"
    - "Custom description 2"
  use_hashtags: true
  hashtags_list: "#hashtag1 #hashtag2"
  give_credit: true
leave_comment: true
  - "Nice reel!"
  - "Great post!"
  delete_interval_minutes: 1440
  - tag1
  - tag2
proxy: http://proxyserver:port  # Optional: Add your proxy server address


Logs are saved in the config_setup.log file and include:

CLI Arguments

You can reuse an existing configuration by passing the --reuse-config argument:

python --reuse-config

This will load an existing configuration if available, allowing for faster setup.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


For any issues or contributions, feel free to msg me!