suken / UmlGeneratorTool

Java software development tool for Spring, JPA, class diagrams etc
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UML Generator provides APIs for generating UML diagrams from java source. The UML Generator uses plantuml and graphviz liraries for generating diagrams. The utility outputs UML in following format files:

The library supports following UML diagrams:

Class Diagram

ScreenShot The class diagram generates the followings:


Spring Dependency Diagram

ScreenShot In addition to plain class diagram, the spring class diagram also generates followings:


JPA Mapping diagram

ScreenShot The JPA mapping diagram utility can be used to identify the relationship between persistent classes. The utility generates the following:

Following is the sample generated JPA mapping diagram. ScreenShot

Component Diagram (Maven)

ScreenShot The method recursively inspects the given source directory to parse all POM files.


If the UML diagram is too complicated then the GraphViz may not generate the PNG file. Try opening the plantuml file in plantuml eclipse plugin.


The UmlGeneratorTool is an Eclipse plugin to allow developers to generate UML diagrams from eclipse projects. The Eclipse plugin is compatible with Eclipse 3.5+ distributions. If you are using older version of Eclipse than God Bless You ;)

Installation Guilde

Under construction. I am still setting up the maven repository for the two UML projects. Its too early for me to start releasing versions officially. But if you really feel like trying the tool out then simply import UmlGeneratorTool project in you eclipse and then export it as "Deployable plug-ins and fragments" into your eclipse plugin directory.

How to Generate UML diagrams

All the available UML diagrams can be generated from project contextual menu. Here is a screen shot:

Each diagram has its own options for UML generation. Please refer to the following:

Class Diagram and Spring Depedency Diagram

Component Diagram and JPA Mapping diagram